49999 and now video update :)?

We are again busy of producing it (actually it is the third time now, and hopefully we get a proper version this time). And we will make a very short video special for 50000 bakers. :smiley:


I guess you are tired of this questionā€¦but when can we expected that video ?

We are producing it right now. Hopefully this week. :slight_smile:

Third time? I expect nothing less than new Avatar movie now :smiley:


Yes, we surely will get some oscars for this video update. :wink:


50k? Time to pop the shampagne! Congratz guys!

It is not THE Videoupdate, but a Thank you to the 50.000 Backers!


Hmm, is Dan using all the video people as target practice? :smile:

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Thatā€™s a lot of bread :smile:

Backers vs Bakers *new fighting game TBA 2017

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I always get confused about thatā€¦ is it backers or bakers?

Baker is someone who bakes (a cake)
Backer is someone who backs (something up)


Itā€™s all good @DrFusselpulli modern English is by no means a straight forward languageā€¦

West Germanic in origin, with influences from Scandinavia, French (Old Norman), Latin and ancient Greek; no wonder non-native speakers get confused sometimes :smile:

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Is there a statistic how many people have downloaded the new Alpha 0.5 yet?
And how many hour they played at the moment?

I`m wonder, because not many people are reporting bugsā€¦ :grinning:

To be honest, I donĀ“t know. Maybe there is a statistic about it, but I think it is at Steam and not on us.

I am sure no one beats @McWonderBeast in terms of hours played! :slight_smile:

Oh, you are wrong
@Blacksmith has over 200h
and @McWonderBeast has somewhere around 100h

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Picture or never happend! :slight_smile:

And this was Aug 29, before the 0.5 update :stuck_out_tongue:

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As you wish


Maybe my intent was not clear,ā€¦
I thought about the difference of people having downloaded alpha 0.5 and not played minimum of 5 minutesā€¦ maybe because they canĀ“t start the game (cryengine.dll)ā€¦
or donĀ“t having funā€¦ :grinning:


I make an update, when I have found every single bugā€¦ :wink: (and played all endings of FO4)

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