Activation Email not coming

@Tobi: I’m getting the same error.

Done! It sometimes takes some time!! :frowning:

i’m not receiving one either :frowning:

Thank you!!! It works, i just pledged :smile:

Not received a code yet. I upgraded my pledge from my original kickstarter a few days ago. Nothing in my email yet.

edit: pledge account active, forum account active - no alpha release key in my email yet.

same here, I haven’t received an activation email. :frowning:

there was an activation mail?

Same here, thought I will receive an activation email, but comes to Forum Activatation or am I missing something ? :slight_smile:

Works for me now, thanks :wink:

im not recievin any email either.
as you can see i created a forum account.
i didnt back on kickstarter but i tried backing on this site,
you had to register once more, and then it said an email was sent.
i didnt recieve one and now if i try to register again it sais the email has already been taken.

Hi it’s the same for me I didn’t receive the activation mail for my pledge account tried lot of time nothing in my mailbox.
Thank you so much.

I have not received an email either.

Same problem here, i can create a account here and get the email but not on my account for wich i need to use too pledge :slight_smile:

hi, i’m a kickstarter baker, too. and i try to register myself on pledge.***** but i didn’t recive the activation mail.
forum account works fine and i changed his mailadress to the one from kickstarter.
so that the pledge registartion and the forum one does have the same mailadress (the one from my kickstarteracc).

thx for helping me out

But you have your badge?!

yes, but i understood that i need an account on pledge.***, too. to have alpha access.
i’m quite confused atm.

Ouh sorry about that I’m not thinking straight. So you cant log in to the pledge page? if so PM to @TobiTobsen :frowning:

done, hope that he can help me

I am not receiving the activation email either.

I can log in but I don’t see an activation code. Where do I find it? Under “profile” or does it get emailed to me??