Alchemy quest issues

Hi team, I hope this is helpful. It’s my second day of exploring and my first time posting about bugs.

Alchemy quest… I’m playing Tech Alpha 0.2.1

(Wow, Nettles are very hard to find! :))

— Charcoal Bug?
When I speak to the blacksmith, he tells me I can have ten pieces of charcoal…but never gives me anything. Either it’s a bug or the dialog is misleading. If he means I can take whatever I can find laying around, then he should say something like that instead.

— Confusing sequence ends with no potion:
I come to the hag with all of my ingredients and tell her so.
Hag tells me to step up to the “fire” and that she will teach me… but then she just sits there.
I go into the hut and start the alchemy process.
I read the book and the recipe, which tells me I need water, 1 charcoal, 1 nettle and 2 thistle
I add water
I add one charcoal (which is supposed to be ground, but no option for that), one nettle and two thistle.
I use the bellows and wait until it’s done and the fire dies down.
I draw the potion…
And then nothing… no alert telling me if I got my potion or if I failed.
I leave the alchemy table and check my inventory… no potion.
I come out of the hut and the hag is standing up but I can’t talk to her.

Now, I probably did something wrong. Honestly, it took me a couple of hours to collect all of the ingredients and by the time I got to the hut, I was a little impatient. :slight_smile: But if it’s not a bug, I would highly recommend some sort of notification about your success or failure.


You may find these threads useful.

So, the new quest - this thread covers the Quest Extensively and should answer all your questions.
This particular post is of an alchemy map. which covers the locations of all known thistle, charcoal, bright eye, and saint johns wart.

Alchemy 0.2 Bugs - Current dedicated bug thread for alchemy.

Alchemy Redemption - This thread has two videos in it about the alchemy, I suggest following the link in the second post which is Dan Vávra himself playing the game.

The Charcoal the Blacksmith is talking about is on the ground around the forge, and there isn’t ten.

You have to follow the Recipe in order.

First Add Water.
Then use the bellows to get the water boiling- Six pulls will get you through the whole recipe.
Next add 2 hand fulls of thistle
Then turn the hour glass 2x
After that you add one handful of nettle
Turn the hour glass 1x
Let Cauldron cool and fire subside
Add 1 charcoal
Use bottle to draw potion

you may not always get confirmation on your success but if followed properly you will have the antidote potion in your inventory.

Thanks for all the links and your detailed reply.

Yep - I found the pieces on the ground. So if it is not a bug, the dialog is very misleading.


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It is going to be fixed :wink: