Alpha Bugs list

At night I talked to a guy in armor and he told me to get back to him in the morning. He promised to teach me some bow shooting at the archery. Haven’t done it yet, but I think that is the guy you are looking for. He wears a helmet and at least iron leg protection.

I used Fraps to record some footage and it worked without a problem. Maybe it’s an nvidia problem, I’m using an ATI card.

Most assuredly. Here’s a walkthrough I just made up. (EDIT: Sorry about this being off-topic).


So first you need to acquire 10 coins (you’ll need them later) so you need a quest which pays that much at least. There are two non-archery quests I’ve uncovered so far but I’ll tell you the easier one.

  1. Talk to the Blacksmith and use all dialogue options (there’s only one to start out with).
  2. Find the Farmer in the straw hat (you’ll see him when you first go into town. If you can’t find him, go back to where you spawned then walk down the road towards town).
  3. Steal the flute from the Blacksmith (it’s in his house. His house is close to his workshop, I think it’s white).
  4. Talk to the Blacksmith about the quest and give him the flute (DO NOT GIVE IT TO THE FARMER).
  5. He should give you ten coins whether you lie or not.
  6. Take the money and head to the range and wait for the bowmaster to show up (he’s goes after lunch unless he glitches out in which case he won’t show up at all. This happened to me several times, just restart the game).
  7. Shoot a 10 or better and you’ll get more coin (can be used to bet/shoot more). Bet higher at own risk.
  8. Shoot a 28 or better and he’ll give you a bow and 30 arrows.

If you decided to give the flute to the Farmer (though I don’t know why you would) he’ll give you 8 coins. This means you need two more.

  1. To get the last two, find the Shepard and talk to him.
  2. Go to the straw hat Farmer’s plot and look for a lost lamb (what’s the singular for sheep? Sheep?)
  3. Drive it back to the pasture (it’s by the archery range) by walking behind the sheep (M&B:W style w/ cows)
  4. Once it gets to the pasture, you’ll get a cutscene.
  5. Find the Shepherd and he’ll pay you two coins and a torch.
  6. Continue to the bowmaster as you would normally (back to original step 6).

Hope that was helpful. Also I’m really tired so sorry about the grammatical errors but feel free to ask more questions, I don’t know everything about the Alpha yet but I’m getting there. Still looking for the wolves and bears. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d like to add one more Magical River :smiley:,magicriverVVUDD.png
and an eyeless Zombie (dont ask why its greyscale, i do not have a clue ^^. @DEVS only the screenshot is in greyscale)

Try Dxtory, it’s way better anyway (feature wise). :wink:

My bug:
The game doesn’t start in the first place. No Game.exe visible in Task Manager either.

K so I will post some of my “adventures” :slight_smile:

Our lovely magician (or blacksmith)

And some other “settlers”

And some hens (sure they are magical as well)

And some bugged window

Jesus is real

And last image is some buged sky

Ultra High details
1920*1080 windowed mode

Radeon HD 6950
AMD Phenom x6 1055t
Win 8

Yeah they even have some ghost in the games holding a Spoon

Fraps works perfectly fine with Nvidia cards. Recorded it absolutely smoothly.

You can find game.exe under your steam games folder.

I didn’t doubt that. I just recommended Dxtory because I think it’s the better program overall. Just try it for yourself.

I know, but it doesn’t even try. That’s what I mean.
Double click the game -> nothing happens and no Game.exe appears in Task Manager.

I could not play it yet unfortunately as I will only buy PC sometimes next year.
I have watched all videos on you tube though and I would like to give some humble feedback anyway

amazing visuals (even on all low settings), good lighting, sun/moon effects, night is finally accurately dark, forest looks amazing already and overall feel of the world is very good
current build seems to be running ok on most configurations (only one utuber reported crash when his CPU overheated :D).
I did not see any Inventory/quest log issues
nice music and enviromental sound textures (how about adding wind sound, like fizz of leaves in the forrest meybe)
I also liked that you implemented proper animations of picking up objects (same tech could be used even for pushing doors, opening crates etc. maybe…?)
GUI: compass/stamina bar does not need to be visible at all times (immersion breaker)
consider slowing down walking speed to some more natural value (unless it would get annoing)
add animation to climb over obstacels (not just jumping over it)
consider adding terrain effects (puddle splash when jumpig to water surfice and some degree of dirt movement effect when howing etc.)
some people want possibility to switch off motion blur when camera is moved quickly (I kind of like it)
I wonder how you go about kids - I would love to have them in the game (even if they have to be be immortal)
camera positioning in dialoges could use some improvement too
water seems to be displayded in weird colours on some configurations
I cannot say I am big fan of gui when choosing from dialoge options ( does it need to take half of the screen? )
many understanable NPCs glitches (flying or half way in the ground, walking thru walls. Animation triggered at wrong places etc.) And also floating objects

I know that all that is completely normal at this stage of the development and I am sure you are well aware of the job ahead.
Just wanted to thank you for excellent job done warhorse, keep up hard work! :smiley:
I am all hyped yet again


Found the screen, i’ve met npc fishining in the night and his rod was in the air above his head.

How do you steal the flute?? Do i have to wait till nobody is inside?

This isn’t the thread to solve quests, go away.

No, just pick it up anytime.

Must say, at night, I’m Batman. I was little bit terrified to see what was happening.

Best bug so far… :smiley:


No fall damage :stuck_out_tongue:

I was lucky to get stucked in the house of blacksmith. Lady came in, pick something, then came out and i was unable to open door. Nor the another to other rooms.

Then i can’t pick it up…then i guess i have to restart the game

Whenever I want to unequip my torch, it stays floating in the air and Henry still holds his arm in the same position :smiley:

Got the same problem, plus I can’t talk to the Blacksmith

Work much? Night shift? Can’t sleep?