Alpha - Streaming it on Twitch allowed?

Hey everyone :),

Title says it all, sorry if i missed a similar question.
Couldn’t find a fitting topic.



No, you will be flogged.


Yes, it’s allowed as long as you clearly communicate that it’s an early alpha version and work in progress.

The question was answered by Warhorse here: NDA: Alpha, what can we share?

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But he’ll be flogged as well right?


one hit for each viewer?

Nah, man we’re in 21st century! It’s per minute…

One hit for each time he mentions dragons, fantasy or Skyrim? :stuck_out_tongue:

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one hit for every thread with this question

You guys so mean :’(
Jk, but thanks for the response. That is good to hear, and don’t flog me please :frowning:

You got my back Jack! ‘high five’