Animal companion & falconry

I saw this and thought it would be cool if you had the chance to choose your animal companion, in particular I was thinking of falcons.
Falconry was a common practice among who could afford it, and these animals are relatively easy to tame and very loyal.
I think it should fit well in the general atmosphere and, considering the importance of hunting at those times, it could be a significant gameplay element: it may catch some prey for you to store in the inventory or even deliver messages, thus becoming very important in certain quests (although I don’t know if they could be trained to do that).

Also there were already books about this particular hunting discipline that could be available in-game just like the alchemy ones ( Libro de la caza de las aves, by Pero Lòpez de Ayala, for example, is a treatise on this topic written in 1390, chronologically close to the setting of the game).


This has been brought up before.

Falconry for hunting
Hunting mechanism

There are a few hundred conversations about this in various hunting and animal companion threads.

Its a really cool concept, unfortunately its one I don’t think we will get to see implemented by WH.

Awesome sources BTW I wouldn’t mind seeing books about it in game even if we can’t do it.

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Yes I noticed it had been brought up before after I wrote the post, sorry…I’ll just keep it here anyway because, you never know :grin: