Now now, 230 pounds for regular warbow…
Mark Stretton from English longbow society performed some research on this - most warbows in Medieval times were around 80-100 kgs, as men were smaller and a bit weaker than we are (due to bad nutrition, too much heavy work on child age etc.)
Surprisingly, this draw weight is enough to penetrate the armor if struck dead on, but from his conclusions. the strenght of the longbowmen was not in the penetration, but in the amount of the projectiles.
As the price of the proper harness was high, most of the soldiers on battlefield did not have proper protection against arrowhail, and thus the battle was won not by piercing an armour, but simply by decimating the “weaker” protected majority of soldiers, while your infantry / cavalery only needed to worry about better armoured ones.
As an old Czech proverb says, every swordsman is worthless, when there is too many enemies.
Btw: Mark can pull to full draw 225# warbow, and on Medlanky airfield in Brno, he shot with it whole day on the tournament 2012, if I remember correctly. But, this surely was not standard in Medieval times.