Bandit hunter

I’m not sure if this is what the raiders activity is supposed to be because it’s broken for me, but I need a radiant combat activity. Once you knock out all the quests, the game basically becomes a hunting simulator. Bandits would be a constant problem, maybe give like one to three camps to clear then after a few days to couple of weeks another handful of camps. Might be a bit much to ask for in the near future, but it would definitely keep me playing.

I would have hoped for far more bandit and Cuman activity across the map, especially on the entire northwest, north, and north northeast. Covering Skalitz, Talmberg, and such areas. Talmberg is completely empty and open for raiders. But the land is just empty and quiet for the most part.

Also if you didn’t know there is 15 camps with respawning enemies. Here if you didn’t know

Thanks. I found most of them when I tried to work around raiders being broken lol. But i’d Like a bit more quest driven hunting exactly like the bandit camps from robard. Maybe it’ll be so with the patch.

Go to Talmberg and tell me what you see, a desolate castle with random horses in the stables. Either I was expecting a half repaired and semi-flourishing castle (although less realistic) or a bandit/Cuman populated ransacked ruins. They really could have added a bandit leader up on the 2nd floor with 5-9 bandits hanging around - just in the Keep alone. Added a few extra in the barren town below.

For me the siege camps are still set up.