►Beta 1.0 Bug List (serious bugs)

May be on youtube later right now you can watch it here.

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Haggling with the tavern keeper (from the poisoning Jerry quest) breaks the quest. I spoke to her, then sold her something, pressed haggle key and… nothing. Conversation ended, haggling minigame didn’t come up, and you can’t speak to that character anymore.

MIGHT be due holding a torch while we spoke, I can’t remember

had you already spoken to Mariana about the quest?

After initially talking to her about the situation she has nothing to discuss further on the matter until its resolved.

Her shop and Haggle has been buggy since implemented in the Beta.

Same to me at the beta

Sword training in the soldier camp works fine, but when I want to start a fight, after the questions about skill etc. game is frozen. Scenery background stays black. Only healthbar etc. is visible. Tried to load saved games, no changes.

This is still happening for you after the patch?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Beta 1.0 Launcher Problems

Does the patch fixed the safe/load bug?

Yes, Posted today.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Beta First Patch
Community Announcements - WarhorseJiriRydl_
_Gameplay fixes: _
_Occasional unrecoverable black screen prior arena fight _
_Some NPCs were not able to start a dialogue with player _
_Various items looked like giant red balls when dropped to the ground _
_Sometimes the bandits at Reeky’s cave decided not to fight and went to pub instead _
Items stored on player’s horse appeared as stolen
_Technology: _
_Total Illumination performance tweaks and fixes _
Loading saved game is more stable now; please note that this is still an experimental feature and it’s not fully working on all occasions; old save files are not compatible with the new system
_Some crashes shouldn’t occur any more _
Zooming on the map works better now
_Thank you!

When I pick longsword vs longsword and slightly advanced opponent, he does nothing else but run towards me.
When its shield vs shield, he does fight (but from my experience feels immortal, I hit him for like 20 times and I haven´t even seen any blood anywhere, but that could just be me :D)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Beta 1.0 Launcher Problems

Hm nice, have bug just in the start - cant talk to NPC (Reekys farther and the bathgirl) after first full dialog:/

I can´t talk to his father after my first talk with him - Went to bathhouse girl, learned about cash, talked to father, got a shovel, digger a stash, and when I tried talking to him, it was not possible. Prompt was shown, but no action performed

Yes same here, had to start new game now:/ but it appeared again with the guy in tavern who send me to quarry. It really seems there is a bug if you went through all dialogs in one npc, you cannot talk to him again.

Guys make sure you talk all you need with NPC for first time cause seems you wont have chance for another and then get farther in quests.

I must ask how they tested this patch cause this is just at the start and quite obvious bug:(

I was able to do everything fine as diplomat, not as jack of all trades. Normal conversation, Adela told me about money, but both options - reeky’s friend or other one did failed. She stopped talking to me. Went to his father, no success either. Went to tavern, guy barely spoke to me. Killed two people, throw them into the lake, went to Merhojed. Talked to bailiff, wife, etc., opened bailiff house, bailiff spotted me inside smith’s house, i paid fine, he stopped talking to me.

This is not a bug the Jack of all trades does not have as high a speech level as a Diplomat so your more likely to fail at conversation checks.

When you commit crimes it lowers your reputation if low enough NPC’s will not want interact with you.

Are german subtitles included with new update ?

No they were not.

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narazil jsem na bug v dnešním patchy 17.3 … když se vrátím z výzvěd a řeknu že je tam 30 nepřátel je mi řečeno že mam požádat o posily v Tambergu … ale když mluvím s tím vojákem před branou tambergu … dialog funguje do: … “ok a kolik mužů potřebujete?” a dialog skončí nelze mu odpovědět a qvest se neukončí takže jsem se zasekl …

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could not acces CrySystem.dll how to fix?