same problem here, when you load and cant walk, drow your weapon, but i cannot sit or sleep as well
Same problem…tried buying a bed, go to my own bed…nothing seems to work…problem started after I reloaded a save made by the saviours schnapss that I brewed (not sure if that is relevant)
Same issue here.
I have this bug too.
Trying to sleep on a bed doesn’t work, and trying to sit locks me in place, breaking almost all input. The only way to break this lock is to press attack (left mouse button).
This means I can’t read anything.
I’ve gotten around the need to sleep by instead using the bathhouse facilities whenever the “Alpha Male” buff ends.
Interestingly, it looks like this bug cropped up during development two years ago and was never resolved:
Needs to be sorted urgently. I have given up playing as my sleep bar is full and it’s impossible to proceed. My system is a PS4!
I have the same bug, I can’t continue at all. I’m playing on ps4, version 1.2 of the game. I did find this on another thread, might be a temporary fix, I haven’t tried it yet
How can i broke the tanner next miller ?
Ignore that post about the Tanner, it’s not a solution.
Weirdly, mine cleared up during gameplay last night. I think it’s related to quest progression. I did the quest where Henry has to meet Theresa before noon, during which Henry couldn’t decide if he would sit or stand during the cutscene. After finishing the quest, the next time I tried to sit down, it worked!
I don’t know if this is going to last, but every time I’ve tried to sit since, it’s worked.
That sucks about the bug. However not saving for 5 hours in a game with a harsh save system isnt very smart.
I’ve also got this problem.
After 10 h playtime this bug showed up. When you press “E” on a bed or chair you just freeze and can’t move until you swing with your sword.
I can’t go on any further with the main quests thanks to this bug :c
I had saves from last 5 hours, but they were already infected with that bug.
Try using the bathhouse and get the wench service if you have the coin. It will restore health and energy and it will cost 40 coins. But in other missions you will still be asked to sit somewhere and you won’t be able to.
Same problem…
I can’t sit down in the Quest or going to sleep…
Hmmm. Gee…let’s see…wonder how this potential loss of game progress could be averted? Let’s hope these players don’t have their gaming session interrupted by real life needs. Unimportant stuff like eating, sleeping, using the bathroom, spending quality time with friends/family, trolling strangers on the web via social media, doing homework/working for a living etc etc.
Hmmm… Gee…If only we could save the game whenever we wanted–and NOT have it coupled to the bed/sleep feature. That way if this RP feature is broke, it wouldn’t FUBAR my entire game progress…
#Is vaguely wondering how the hard core, Dark Soul purists are going to spin doctor this one#
You can save whenever you want. Savior snapps…but I guess if a player is silly enough to not save for 5 hours then they probably waste these and never replace them.
I had the same bug but i fixed it. Did you run away from combat? I did and I got the same issue. I fixed it by saving and then reloading. After that i fell asleep constantly under ground but I could get out of it by using the fast travel.
Am still in the start. Am performing quests and engaging in trades so I can afford a save. The ultimate peasant!
What?? You ARE j/king, right?
You DO realize you’re paying the dev $60 to gamma test their buggy release? Yet have this jaded response to such a major bug. I’m confounded…
I can’t sleep neither.
You made a great job with this game even if they are few bugs. But this one is very frustrating. I can’t heal myself by sleeping and so… I die very often. And I failed some missions because of that. For me, this is the biggest bug to fix