Console command not working?

I tried to use console commands for this game and the console won’t even show up. I press the ~ key and nothing. I’ve even tried in steam launch options by putting -devmode and -console, but still nothing. Someone please help! Much appreciated.

I use console commands every time I play (can’t stand the HUD).

I don’t have an answer for you but you may find an answer in this thread. If I can find anything out specifically I’ll post it, but I do recall some people in that thread discussing the same issues.

I’ve looked at every single comment. Nobody has the same trouble as I do. Thanks anyway.

May have been another thread then sorry mate. Do you have any issues opening the console on any other games?

No issues. I guess it just could be the Alpha itself then. Maybe using vista could have something to do with it.

i have exactly the same problem, this seems to be the only post i have found, have you been able to find a fix yet please?

Switch windows operating systems. I switched from vista to windows 7 2 years ago.

im on windows 10 and i have the problem?

Strange. Idk.