Disease in the game

Will you be able to catch diseases and get infections in the game? If so what diseases will be included?



That sort of stuff.

However I think dysentery various infections from wounds will be more common.

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Wouldn’t it also be possible to catch something like the plague? I understand that you could cure it with antibiotics but it seems like it could be possible.

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not back then :wink:

diseases have the same problem game mechanics-wise as lingering wounds. If the long-term negative effects are to severe, people will just hit reload.
On the other hand, in that comparison the disease has the advantage of an incubation period, so depending on which disease you catch the reload point to change this might be far enough back (playtime wise) to let the player hope he can survive it without needing to reload. :slight_smile:

so use the plague for all it is worth. Would be fun if its occurrences wouldn’t be scripted but simulated and you would get an outbreak killing off all your quest NPCs if you aren’t fast enough…

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Catching it yes but I doubt many people want to play ‘toss a coin to see if you die and lose your progress’ and get a scarred body.

Well it could just have a temporary effect on your stats strength, stamina, agility, ect. Not any thing permanent just stuff like that. You could get rid of it by sleeping it off or seeing a doctor or something. Fall out 3 implemented crippled limbs pretty well. You walk slower can swing a sword as well cant shoot as well until you see a doctor or something like that.


The problem with letting the player catch the plague is that it would be pretty much pointless to carry on playing after that point, unless you actually want to see Henry die a slow, gruesome death. Less serious diseases, causing stat penalties rather than almost-certain death, make a lot more sense. I agree that there should be an ‘incubation period’, so that it isn’t obvious where the disease has come from or how to avoid it.

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Sleeping on inns and taverns back there should be a lot nasty, and probably you would catch something sleeping on those, I would support this kind of approach to diseases, by sharing things other people used. maybe a system which npc X holds disease Y and when he uses Z it would transfer the disease, and if the player or another NPC interact with that, depending on what disease Y is, he have a % of catching it or not. But i guess Henry, as a young men, should resist most of the diseases back there…or not, hoping for some percentage of contracting or not there.

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I just don’t quite understand if the black death killed 2/3 of the population how did everyone else survive without a cure?

The 1/3 didn’t get infected. Entire cities worth of people were wiped out and the plague didn’t always kill you. One emperor of the eastern roman empire caught it but survived. Im guessing the people who lived in more isolated areas were the lucky ones.

It could be survived
Some cities were quarantined at the first sign of an outbreak.
Some places just weren’t hit as hard.

PS, it’s survival rate was higher in some places than others.

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Black death was started by the illuminati

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