Displaying/Hiding HUD

I’ve Just finished watching the Live video stream and I love how the game is looking so far, but one thing that kills it for me is the big ugly Compass and Health/Stamina bar that totally resembles console HUD. I think that for us PC players who want to totally immerse ourselves and enjoy the beautiful eyecandy that the devs have painstakingly created for us that we should be able to configure to hide these eyesores by individual choice in our settings, or the devs should code for keyboard interaction for instance:
(a) Press and Hold key to display HUD, upon release of key HUD disappears.
(b) Press key once to display HUD and second press once to hide HUD.

I hope devs give us this option, sorry if this has been posted already but I did search and found nothing.


They will probably do this. And if not, modders will do it in few days after dev tools will be out :slight_smile:

Minimalistic HUD is an extremely popular feature nowadays, and you won’t see many games with obtrusive HUD cotaining information you don’t really need. Most games just let the HUD fade away when it’s not being used, so I hope KC will do something similar as well. What you have to bear in mind right now is that the hud from the video was from a very early stage of development, so it’s there for the devs, not for the players - I could see it being quite a bit different when the game comes out.

cl_hud 0 does the trick since crysis 2007 lol, do you get what I said here?

Personally I hope the HUD will be also possible to make transparent, for people like me who play on plasma TVs.

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I imagine the stamina bar will fade when not necessary. Unlike some I think the compass needs to stay. You have to find a balance between realism and frustration for the gamer. Since it’s not as easy to get your bearings in a digital world (until VR arrives I suppose) a compass helps to keep it from becoming overwhelming when you’re trying to navigate between places.

speak for yourself, i have no problem navigating without the compass. there is a drawn map. i’m probabaly going to explore more than follow the big icons. it’s compass off for me. hopefully can disable in options menu or set it to a key.


As someone who happens to like playing games on a plasma screen when using my home theater setup instead of my PC monitor, I would very much like to see this feature implemented or at the very least the ability to adjust the HUD opacity.

I do not know what kind of compasses existed in 14th century, but ingame compass that actually has to be held in hands would be ideal solution. Same for map. I hate how in FarCry 3 they replaced the awesome handheld map from FC 2 with yet another stupid menu map.


Yeah, the way FC2 did things would be ideal. I just want to see that in more games in general, it was awesome.

I have to agree that the current compass implementation (looks like it’s made for casual gamers - automatic orientation, points of interest shown in it…) is not what I’d expect from an authentic medieval game. Health/stamina bar looks fine.

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Can’t help but jump on the “held in hands” wagon here. I didn’t play FC 2 (sadly), but would have found that feature novel and amazing. I would love to see an actual inventory compass that you could even sell/discard forever. :blush:

I totally agree on a minimal/mostly hidden HUD. Here’s what I said about the topic previously (in a combined post of HUD, Cutscenes and Character Customisation):


I really hope that we’ll be able to fully configure the HUD in the final version. I like to play with as minimal a HUD as possible as I find it far more immersive. I cringe at the sight of the very large compass indicator in the recent videos for e.g. To me their inclusion in this way goes against the ‘first person = maximum immersion’ mentality. Whilst some HUD elements are essential, it’s amazing what you can get away with turning off (try archery in Skyrim without a crosshair for a MUCH more rewarding and realistic experience for e.g. - give it a bit of time and you’ll see what I mean). I hope we’ll have a lot of options here in the final game, particularly regarding scale, translucency and contextual activation. Again, Skyrim has many great mods which I’d hate to play the game without.

Also, I don’t feel that the HUD itself needs to have a fitting medieval theme. Though I like this in the inventory screen, I think simplicity and subtlety should be of primary importance here - The more you can forget the HUD is there at all the better and sometimes it’s actually more fun/better for gameplay without it anyway (see Skyrim archery - Think of it in the same way as the ‘racing line’ in racing games, i.e. a training hint you’ll eventually want to turn off).

A few simple dots, lines, numbers and clean text when needed to convey info on a contextual basis are to me far more immersive than an encrusted, though ‘in style,’ large, opaque box floating in front of my face. Having no HUD at all ever (for a game designed with HUD in mind) isn’t a good option either though, for there are some elements that you do need to know, so just having a ‘play with no HUD’ option doesn’t cut it either.

One final note about the HUD graphics - Please master them in high resolution. Mafia 2’s were a little on the blurry side when playing on a big high def. screen and as I say this will only get worse in the future.

In addition I’d like to see the map as an equip-able item as in the old game Vietcong (but better ;)).

For anyone interested, my original post is here - Cutscenes, Character Customisation and the HUD

There is a simple way to hide HUD in current alpha so if you wish to take clean pictures, here you go. However there’s a catch to it!

write “g_showhud 0” into the dev console (~)

The catch is that using this command breaks time simulation in any New Game afterwards. Which means, for example, that the shooting master will remain sleeping in the pub house never to wake up and the Bow quest cannot be completed. If you wish to fix this state you have to restart the game.

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