Future Warhorse project

Cyril and Methodius were brothers actually . They were called Solun Brothers (today Thessaloniki) and were half Greek , half Slavic. Rastislav (Svätopluk s uncle) invited them to spread Orthodoxy because Great Moravia was highly influenced by Frankish missionaries who used Latin . Svätopluk got helped by Franks to usurp throne so he had to exile them on their command. But when they imprisoned him to gain control over Great Moravia, people unrested against Franks so they had to release him . Because of that , Svätopluk turned against Franks , defeating then again and again , expanding territory to Vojvodina (Serbia) near Brandenburg (Germany) Krakow (Poland) and Silesia (Poland). During his reign , he was called Rex (King) by Pope and he got recognized as sovereign ruler by Pope , and when pope says youre independent, youre independent.

hussite wars good enough. continuation of henry’s journey. no need for random jumps in history or locale.


After act 3 of KCD we NEED VIKINGS!!!

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If i recall correctly , they scrapped “act” thing , KC:D will be one solid game . Also , i find vikings way too overused. Oh yeah , raiding, long beards, long ships, long axes and stuff. everybody knows that . Not that i wouldnt like a Viking age game made by Warhorse Studios , but i would rather see new setting , not one used countless times before.


A realistic viking setting game has NOT been used yet. I haven’t played a good viking game yet. If you know of one thats first person and not clunky, direct me to there. (Mound and blade does not count.)
Yea its gonna be either called act 2 or KCD2 this time. the first 2 acts are already in KCD.

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OF course there is no game so focusing on medieval realism like KC:D , but i meant Viking setting as a whole. Everyone knows about Vikings, i would personally rather see some unexplored setting.

I understand.

I would want Warhorse to focus on Bohemia (maybe include Prague?), continue Henry’s story, etc.

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As far as I know the story they have in mind isnt told in its entirety. They planned to split the story in 3 Acts, but came to the conclusion that they merge Act1 and Act2 together to KCD but there should be still story material that is yet untold so thats why there will be KCD 2

Ever tried Expeditions: Viking?
It’s not first person RPG but it worth a look.

Hussite wars will have also benefit a lot from the experience Warhorse studios made and a bunch of weapons, armour and other stuff can be reused. So the team would have more breath to polish and implement other things and features.


I think the Viking setting will be taken over by Mods after the release of Bannerlord (2024 or even earlier :rofl:). The people of the Brythenwalda legend are already scratching with their hooves …

KCD is “then” and “there”, so it would be natural to stay within this historical framework. Unfortunately, I´m not the big roleplayer, a little more freedom within the story would be my favorite. For example, through encounters in a tournament to focus on other events that took place at the same time further west. Background is the accessibility for broader player layers. The Bohemian story is not familiar to many - I also got to know them first through KCD - that could put off the first moment. In the center stands also only “Henry”, for female Charktere no place. Of course, such an extension would be very time-consuming, it needed more than just “this” story …
Let’s wait for the first feedback after the release, surely there are hints on the way forward.

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I’m trying to find information on that. Any links for me? :relaxed:

here’s the source

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I have to repeat it, next game has to be 30 years war and one can play on either catholic or protestant side (like fractions)

30 years war is THE catastrophic event for europe - even compared to the world wars…

we have much from Midieval times but even im movies 1600s are very much underrepresentated.

The story is great, the fractions are, the dynamics, the war itself, the impact and the history, that all would work out well. And we have a good amount of sources from back then.



Look: You could on the Catholic League Side have the JESUITS as a special force (they were actually, much tactical and intelligence warfare by them, very devotet), like a “guilds” fraction quest in classic rpgs.

Magdeburg was absolutely devastaded. It was very close for the swedish troops to be there in time, what if they would have managed to protect the city? That holds big Player choices: Looting incredbl. valuable things and then have a part of the map burned to ground or do everything to protect the waelth of the ppl - but dont get anything of it.

one could even figure out how dramatic it would by in cinematic concearns: Fallen Gustav Adolf, madness driven Wallenstein, catholic greed, pope pulls strings, venice supporting even both sides! Could be an epos and would be great for warhorse:
remember, 30yrs war “started” in prague :wink:

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And what role would you want to play in it - a) as a man b) as a woman?
Which equivalent roles (m / w) would be possible for a multiplayer?

Game Of thrones game?


it is amazing even just to think WarHorse Studios can make another game in same style.

Considering actual engine and all work done there is another interesting and full of war period in our history.
Before “30-years war” in first half of 17 century there was “invasion” of army of Passau Bishop. They plundered heavily and murdered people mainly in south Bohemia and only force defending our land was “Lords of Roses”- they spend finally serious portion of their “nobel house treasury” to finally pay-off this murdering band from our land. Soon after last of this family died and the all Europe was close to terrible event.

For this story a lot of historical cities and castles can be used

Well i would like to see Uthred the saxon from the Last Kingdom movie series. No dragons or magic. Involves vikings. Could be implemented well with what ive seen from KCD.

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