Can´t open chest box need help

I can not open boxes!
Should I buy something for opening?

Please I’m crazy about it

Are the boxes locked and you need lockpicks? Really not understanding what you’re talking about here

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yes,He also writes that I can not open them

That the they are too difficult for you? Or just that you have no lockpicks?

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If you need lockpicks bandits/Cumans drop plenty enough. Here is all the locations of their camps.

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It registers me that I press the “E” key (you can not open them) and it’s all in the boxes !!

you dont have lockpicks!

That’s how it impresses me

Go get lockpicks? I’m really not sure what’s happening here because if your vague descriptions, screenshots and details are helpful. I’m off to bed! Best of luck!

Ok 2 minutes I send you thanks

You need to buy lockpick and do the mini-game to open locked box

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Where do I buy?

where are you in the game

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i think the miller can sell some to you after you done his quest to get the ring back

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