Game freeze after seconds of starting the game


I have started the game for the first time today, and could not play for more then couple of seconds before the froze. I played it on medium graphics.

GPU: GTX 970
CPU: i7 4 ghz
Ram: 16 gig ddr4
OS: Win 10

Does any one else experiencing that problem or know a solution?

Hmm… that sounds strange. Should not happen.
Can you start it again or does the same thing happen over and over?

I would suggest to wait for beta, it should be here next week. If the problem happen again, we need to take a closer look for it.

The same thing happen over and over. I even downloaded the game again, but the game still freezes.

I will give couple more tries, but if anything I can just wait for the beta :slightly_smiling:

Hello @legacykcbt,
welcome to our community. Thank you for supporting the game.

Please try to delete the user_game file located in the directory the game is installed.

After the next start, don´t “play around” with the sliders (in the grafic menue). There is a bug.

I hope this works. Please give us a feedback.

Have fun with the game.


I have deleted the user_game file, and it is working great!!!

Thank you so much


Thanks Blacksmith, I didn´t thought about that bug, thanks for the great support. :slight_smile: