Gameplay & Systems Suggestions List

I’m not sure how many of these features are already in place, or were considered and determined to be unfeasible, but I just figured I’d post everything I’ve got for your reference. By the way, please get your shop up and running ASAP I missed the kickstarter but have been waiting to donate for some time now!

Also, stay tuned for a massive post from me about marketing and search engine optimization! I think i’ve got some great ideas for you to take a look at there, but for now, here are my gameplay and systems suggestions:

  1. Hair & fur physics (AMD TressFX, NVIDIA HairWorks)
  2. Liquid physics - blood, water, soup, beer/wine, etc.
    • Dispersion (I.e. blood dispersion in water)
  3. Realistic grass rendering & collision
  4. NaturalMotion middleware (or similar)
  5. High detail blood and gore + physical effects
    • Cuts, scrapes, etc. (benchmark GTA 5 bullet effects)
    • Include fist fight effects – black eye, fat lip, bruise, etc.
    • Take time to heal – at least 2-4 hours, change over time (scab, swell up, etc.) & fade over time
    • Blood washes off in water or during rain (show blood dispersion in water)
    • Include force of impact effects on environments/objects – dents, cracks, craters, etc.
    • Dirt/mud (also washes off in water and during rain)
  6. Dynamic weather types and effects - wet environments/characters, snow accumulation & melting, etc.
    • Smooth weather transitions (regional weather patterns)
    • Actual consequences (i.e. heavy snow fall realistically blocks long-range view)
    • Changing seasons - autumn, winter, spring, summer (effects weather, temperature, color of leaves, etc.)
  7. 24-hour day/night cycle (sync time to player’s console/computer if possible)
    • Immersive Dark Nights (not so dark as to be obnoxious but enough to be consequential)
    • Temperature drops at night time (more likely to snow instead of rain, visible cold breath, etc.)
  8. Full environmental destruction (benchmark Battlefield 4)
  9. Fully animated restoration - NPCs rebuild, grass/foliage regrows over time, etc.
  10. Immersive crime and jail system (actual prison level design)
    • NPCs can also commit crimes and be imprisoned
    • Joinable factions – guards, bandits, gangs, etc.
    • Animated arrests and transport to prison
  11. Animated object interaction – all items, static, bodies, etc. (Benchmark The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption)
    • Tap & Release E (once): Hold/Drag
    • Tap & Release E (again): Pickup/Use
      – Items that are being dragged, such as bodies, become picked up either over shoulder or in arms (based on weight & item, some items cannot be picked up)
      – Using misc. and junk objects/items causes items like tree branches or beer bottles to be equipped in hand and used as weapons (able to use for melee & range – throw)
    • Hold E (at any time): Place in inventory
      – Add option in inventory interface to bring out and re-hold the item as well as to use.
    • Tap & Release Alt (at any time): Drop/Release
    • Directional Arrows (while holding): Rotate object
      – Objects that are too heavy to be carried can only be dragged
  12. Immersive vendor/purchasing system
    • Items selected are pulled out from either beneath the desk or the merchant’s chest
    • Food/drink items are actually cooked and brewed, then brought to the player
    • Able to walk around stores and purchase items directly (Tap E to call over the shopkeeper who will then confirm the sale, or Hold E to steal the item)
  13. Combat styles and stances – Actual benefits, specific idles and animations (based on real medieval combat styles)
  14. Full 3rd person combat support (benchmark Grand Theft Auto 5, Red Dead Redemption, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
    • Customizable camera angles
  15. Ability to command forces and utilize real tactics (benchmark Arma 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, and Total War: Rome II – but all in 1st/3rd person)
    • Must be promoted based on effort and choices in order to command troops (not just thrown a leadership position out of the blue)
  16. Realistic weapon and armor coverage + damage (i.e. Areas of the body covered by armor can help save your life, armor/weapons break based on realistic speed, pressure, and angles struck – as realistic as possible)
    • Immersive repair system – in-depth “mini-game” style, just like crafting
  17. Locational Damage and Animations (i.e. struck in leg = limp + reduced movement speed, head = stumbling + radial blur, etc.)
    • Head: Radial blur, stagger then brief stumbling, chance to be knocked down if hit hard, slightly slumped idle, shake head on recovery
    • Arms: Reduced attack speed, reduced bow draw speed, unsteady aiming, blocks break on hit and cause short stumble, reduced bash speed and damage, roll shoulder and flex forearm up on recovery
    • Legs: 25% reduced movement speed each, limping animation, chance to be staggered on hit, chance to be knocked down if hit hard (i.e. critical hit)
    • If hit on stumble then stagger, if hit on stagger then knockdown
    • If hit in head or arms during attack then attack is interrupted, if hit in legs while running then trip and fall
    • Hold side and slouch when in weapon sheathed and at low health (i.e. below 50%)
    • At extremely low health (i.e. below 10%) low chance to become severely injured (Ability to crawl away, but doing so may alert enemies that you are still alive - bleed out over time unless bandaged or struck down)
    • Realistic reactions, impacts, and force + Ragdolls (more realistic than usual ragdoll effects)
    • Add locational damage for mounts as well
  18. Tessellation & limb severing at the precise location struck
  19. Player housing/real-estate, farming, shop keeping, etc.
  20. Realistic NPC schedules and behaviors (i.e. eat lunch at certain times, go to sleep at certain times, etc.)
    • Slight variation of times for each NPC (i.e. not everyone goes to bed at the EXACT same time)
  21. Braziers, torches, candles, and other light sources must be lit physically by player or NPCs
    • Part of the guards’ behavior schedule at night time
    • Modify/Override schedules and behaviors depending on the NPCs situation (i.e. if the city is being sieged, NPCs wake up or flee for cover)
  22. Making noise can alert nearby enemies + realistic line of sight agro (benchmark GTA 5)
  23. Ability to surrender and be taken prisoner
    • NPCs can also surrender (players choose to accept or reject - can take prisoner, kill, or let go)
  24. Realistic naval combat system
  25. Map size of approximately 100 sq. miles (the more the merrier, though!)
  26. Controversial story elements: religion, politics, corruption, etc.
  27. NPCs can/should mention legends, myth, monsters, etc. (even if they don’t exist in game, NPCs should be superstitious like they were in the old times!)
  28. All NPCs should have names & all major NPCs should have personalities & families
    • NPCs should recognize and mourn when family/friends are killed and may come after you or hire someone to come after you to avenge fallen friends/family
  29. NPC and creature appearance variation - child, teen, adult, old, fat, skinny, muscular, healthy, sick, etc.
    • Strength, skill, speed, and other stats should correspond to NPC/creature’s physical appearance
    • NPC/creature’s background story should also correspond to appearance and stats (i.e. experienced soldier, hot headed youth, elderly scholar, etc.)
  30. Ability to mount/dismount while horse is still in motion (benchmark Red Dead Redemption)
  31. High Resolution Monitor/TV Support (1440p & 2160p UHD)
  32. Linux, OpenGL, Mantle, and Directx12 Support
  33. PC controller and Oculus Rift/Sony Morpheus support
  34. Full Mod Support (Benchmark Skyrim/Creation Engine)

Please note these are just basic suggestions, so if some things seem a bit odd like when I mention movement speed reduction and critical hits, it’s because these were basic ideas I had saved on a massive file if I ever decided to make an indie game, but I’m still in college, can’t program, and have no where near the resources to make a game, so I figured you guys could probably make better use of them than me. You already figured out my best suggestion on your own - realistic in-depth crafting that ISN’T based on a boring interface menu (which is how I figured out about this game actually), thus, you now have my full support! BTW I totally read that post about being afraid of “extreme” suggestions…Sorry if some of these qualify as extreme!

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As awesome as it would be to see half of these stuff in a single game, that certainly won’t be this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still, you certainly do got some cool ideas. Especially these concerning the combat though how they’d actually work out in-game is uncertain, did actually play a mod which added some stuff like suggested in Skyrim which turned out pretty cool. I’d love to see some of it.

I can for a fact say that a lot of these stuff most certainly won’t have any part of the game. The map is set to be around 9x9 square kilometers as I understand. Naval combat certainly won’t happen as the place this is played out is landlocked and well off any coast. Third person isn’t likely to happen either, and I don’t think environmental destruction has got any real place in this game.

A lot of these ideas for the world and graphics would be amazing to see, but it isn’t likely to happen. Most of it is beyond what has ever been done in gaming and as awesome as Warhorse are I don’t think they’re going to be breaking the boundaries by the dozen. They’re a small and fresh team, still.

@tgirgis: Many of the suggestions are part of the CRYENGINE. Most of the things should be possible up to some degree but it depends on the focus they’re setting for the game. If you want a visual stunning game, go get some shooter. Those usually rely on graphics rather than story, since much of the gameplay is pre-scripted.

Point 6: (physically correct) Snowmelt is very challenging. This would mean you have real physics and this is in no way possible to run on current-gen desktop PCs or consoles. Maybe three Titans might be able to do it but you would have a lot of factors to consider: density of the snow, sunlight energy, overall environment temperature and all these factors calculated in real-time. I was hoping for TUG (The Untitled Game) to implement such systems, yet they’re far away from that implementation. They use their own in-house engine, yet creation of objects on the map is still a laggy mess ( I know it’s in alpha, but it should’ve been in Beta since January according to official timeline)

Point 7: For playing a night mission you have to wait until midnight to play the mission, correct?

Point 8 is ridiculous IMHO for one reason: This game (BF4) is meant to impress with the destruction in a small area. Of course environmental destruction will be possible (as seen in the KS video) but if you mean with “full” that you can destroy any house and building, let me ask you this: who’s going to build this up again and in which timeframe? What’s the benefit of it? What I personally really don’t like (and I guess you agree with that) is that some wooden crates can be destructed, some can’t and make some metallic noise when they’re hit with a sword. This is not what I expect in a modern AAA game.

Point 11: Where is the “animated object interaction” in Skyrim when I pick up items? They just vanish, that’s it. No animation at any time. The firewood you cut falls always the same way into the pile and the pile doesn’t grow. Even when you place or drag stuff it’s just floating around and not really carried by hands. I like the idea, but not the comparison with Skyrim. This is far away from being interactive.

Point 14: Why 3rd-person when it clearly says 1st-person? Look at Skyrim: Third person looks sluggish in terms of animation and view. I’ve barely played Skyrim in third person because it failed. I don’t like to see your own character standing in the way of your line of sight.

Point 15: You will join the army, but (AFAIK at least in the first act ) not lead an army. They’re fiddling with the AI companions but actually an AI should be an AI and not exactly following your orders. They should be able to misunderstand your task. But that depends on if the game is utilizing such AI command system.

Point 17: This is quite interesting. What happens to the playable character, if he gets hurt that bad that he’s not able to run anymore and therefore makes the game more difficult? And for most of the physical features in this point they’re included in the functionality of inverse kinematics.

Point 19: I hope this doesn’t happen and this for one reason: realism. I don’t want to be the richest guy in the game and still run around like some rundown person. There is no real estate management.

Point 20 is part of the layered personality system. Each person has certain preferences for what activities to do, maybe out of necessity or because s/he likes to do certain things. Best example is the drunkard who finds a way to get drunk, even if you burn down his favourite tavern.

Point 22 is what I’m hoping for, although I didn’t play GTA 5 yet (still waiting for PC version) and don’t know how this system works. However as far as I remember in gameplay footage, cops still know that you shot a gun but nobody has ever described how you look like. But you must be the guy with the gun, because you’re no NPC, right? I hope this will be way better in KCD.

Point 23 is part of the dialogue system. In Mafia 2 you had the choice to either pay for bribes or get arrested or avoid the arrest shooting your way to freedom. So I guess a bard can talk his way out.

Point 24 doesn’t make sense IMHO: How many wars at that time included naval battles in the middle of a continent? Also since no cannons were invented yet, how should a naval battle look like?

Point 25 see

Point 30: I don’t know how Red Dead Redemption did this (a video would be nice) but that’s something I’d appreciate. However it should be realistic and no kamikaze jumps off the horse without a scratch or bruises.

For the other points I either agree or point to the CRYENGINE or mentioned features in the videos. If you can’t program yet but you’re in college it will be challenging to gain enough experience in time. You should start with basic logic, data types, structure charts or flowcharts, pseudo code and dry runs of algorithms on paper before you even start with your first “hello world!” line. My last teacher in programming was the best I ever had. He didn’t let us program anything in the first half of the school year. Instead we had to learn how programs work, how the logic is implemented and how you can achieve certain tasks with the least steps. Also those dry runs help you to figure out problems that no debugger can solve (especially loops). Don’t keep on trying values for variables for which you know they’re working. Also try those values which you’re not feeling comfortable with if your code can handle it.

But we never did any fancy programming with a GUI, only simple programs like exponential growth of computer viruses in the PC lab. I don’t think I can program that much in C++ after such long time of abstinence. Programming can be fun but only if you have cool ideas.

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Hmm, some really good responses, let me clarify some of the details:

For #6 (Snow melt) I think it could definitely be done if they can get the liquid physics done right, I think there is a resource on liquid physics from the new Nvidia GameWorks library - though the decision to use Nvidia GameWorks is up to the dev team since AMD users won’t benefit. The basic idea would be to set temperatures based on season, time, region, etc. (this is doable, you can benchmark how the Wet&Cold mod for Skyrim made specific regions “cold”) and if the temperature is right, basically you would “fade” out the snow and replace with liquid. The after effect would look something like how the environment looked after rain in GTA 5. It would have to be a very slow and gradual process to look right, but I think it can be done similar to how water “dries up” in the latest CryEngine Video (

For #7 (realistic timing) I see your point, but it seems that this would depend on how the game is set up, if missions are time dependent (i.e. wait till nightfall before attacking) then you would be right, it would not be realistic to have a real 24-hour day/night cycle.

For #8 (Environmental Destruction), I very strongly disagree. The ability to destroy anything realistically would really make town sieges feel immersive (assuming something like a town siege exists in this game). Picture Skyrim, what if when a dragon attacked in Skyrim it could actually bring down buildings and homes would actually catch on fire? I know dragons/magic aren’t in this game, but the idea remains the same, during an enemy attack or siege, the entire town could be raized, which would make for a very immersive random events system (meaning not just as part of the story, but at any time, a city could be attacked by the enemy). As for the animated rebuilding, it would be somewhat “realistic” time (based on game time I suppose), the town would take roughly 2-3 in-game months to be rebuilt. The animated part is purely for immersion purposes, it doesn’t have to be 100% realistic animations where one guy is laying bricks and the other is building the frame of the house or something that extreme, but just some hammering, wood cutting, etc.

For #11, I think you mistook what I’m aiming for here. In Skyrim you could drag bodies but your character never actually “grabs” them or anything (which looked awful in 3rd person) but, if you take a look at Red Dead Redemption, you could hog-tie people, then physically pick them up over your shoulder and carry them with you. Additionally, in Skyrim you would loot a deer for its pelt, but when you would need a pelt in Red Dead Redemption, your character would actually get on his knees, pull the knife out, and skin the deer. This is what I mean by animated object interaction.

For #14 (3rd Person Support) again, strongly disagree, games like GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption did a great job with 3rd person view, and Skyrim wasn’t awful, it just wasn’t polished. Its all a matter of opinion - some prefer 3rd person, some 1st person, but to tell me that 3rd person can’t be included because the team at Bethesda didn’t execute properly is not a good enough argument against it IMHO of course

For #15 (Leading/AI) yeah this was really more just an extra suggestion I had stored on my massive list of ideas, not something I’m dieing to have or anything

For #17 (locational damage) there would be no point where you are injured so bad as to be unrecoverable in the system I had planned, except for the part where you are “injured” and may “bleed out” at that point if you don’t get some kind of medical attention (i.e. bandages or something) you would then die just as you would normally die in the game (idk what kind of death system they have here, but I’m guessing if you die you reload to a prior save). The point of the locational damage is to make combat more realistically strategic, if a guy is running at you at full speed, shooting an arrow into his leg should atleast cause a stumble and a temporary limp, after, say, 15-20 sec, he would ‘recover’ and come back at you full speed. It might not be 100% realistic, but its better than shooting an arrow into his leg and he’s coming at you as if nothing happened (i.e. In GTA 5 when you shoot someone, they stumble for half a second and then shoot at you again like nothing ever happened, soooo frustrating lol)

For #19 (Real Estate) By real estate, I mean the ability to sell your house, by a new house, buy a farm, etc. I don’t mean like a monopoly system lol. If you think back to Skyrim, when you buy a house like Breezehome, you can never resell it back, so if your short on cash, your assets are worthless. That shouldnt happen if they add player housing here.

For #20 (NPC schedules), very good to hear! TY for that info!

For #22 (Alert/Agro System) Yeah I’m hoping for a really realistic stealth system

For #23 (Surrender System), again, TY for that info!

For #24 (Naval Combat) I’m sorry, gotta disagree here again, they had naval combat going back to the ancient greeks and phoenicians, generally this works by boarding the enemy vessel. This is, again, just a random suggestion that was on my list of game ideas, not something that I’m married to having in this game, but something worth suggesting to them. You are right however, it wouldn’t really be possible with this current map, I’m not actually too familiar with that region, so I was not aware that it was not near an ocean when I posted this.

For #25 (100 sq. miles map), I would argue that GTA 5 had a map size of about 49 sq. mi, so going bigger than that is certainly not unrealistic, although if they go too big then travel becomes obnoxious, I personally have always that that aroudn 75-100 sq. miles would be perfect

For #30 (Moving mounting/dismount), yeah this is one of GTA 5/Red Dead Redemption’s greatest details, you do get hurt when you jump off mid movement, in GTA 5 it’s much more apparent because you jump out of cars lol. But if you compare that to skryim, when mounting a horse in skyrim your character kind of stops, lines up with the horse, and then stiffly animates mounting, as opposed to Red Dead Redemption where you just grab the horse and leap onto it even if it hasn’t completely stopped yet. You can kind of see it in this video the horse starts moving before he’s fully seated -

You can see mounting in Skyrim here -

Big difference, one is smooth and moving, and the other locks you out, lines up, and mounts the horse. Similarly, if you dismount in Skyrim, the horse freezes, you kinda get locked out again, and the animation plays, but in Red Dead Redemption you just leap off in full motion.

As for your advice on programming, I really appreciate it, but I’m not looking to actually go into programming, I’m a business major specializing in marketing, and I’m starting to learn Autodesk for some 3D modeling and animation as a hobby (I’m a design fanatic really lol) . I would love to go into the gaming industry, maybe learn a little programming and get into some project management and systems design, but the problem is (and I’m 100% certain most of the guys at Warhorse here will agree with me on this) the industry is in disarray,

I mean you have morons like Bobby Kotick swearing to god they will not revamp a 10 year old engine until the primary income source of his company (Call of Duty) sells under 500k copies, which means he won’t have a dime to his name by the time they decide to embark on something as expensive as an engine overhaul, this statement of course coming after he let go the two guys who now came back to shit on his CoD franchise in the form of Titanfall, then had Blizzard Entertainment sink it’s diablo franchise right after a seemingly unending sub cancellation spree for Blizzard’s main cash cow - World of Warcraft. It’s not just Activision with brain dead management and on its way down the toilet, we’ve watched companies like EA lose almost 1 billion in a year, Bioware’s CEO’s abruptly resign, and countless other companies either going bankrupt or throwing out mass layoffs. The industry, at the moment, is in it’s infancy, and it’s being run by people who want to feel like their running IBM, the word “Fun” is considered a joke and managers want to use buzz words like “Content” to explain why their boring games aren’t selling. Long story somewhat short, gaming = laid off more than half the time.

for #8 : You don’t have many siege battles, could be only one in the whole game, so yeah, in this case it makes sense. However I thought you meant hitting the walls until they break. So in your described scenario: definitely I want to see this.

For #11: As I didn’t play RDR because I have no consoles, I couldn’t follow your idea. Sure that is way more immersive than Skyrim. As said, I was only referring to Skyrim.

For #14: The game is advertised as a first person RPG. Sure some mod might add this 3rd person but I deeply insist on the first person primarily. And GTA and even Mafia have good third person, but only third person and not first person mixed with third person. That’s the big difference. If you work on only one view, you have to worry about less bugs, glitches and (for third person) less animations.

For #19: I was a bit too cynical I guess. There is no real estate, no ability to buying or selling houses (afaik). I think you’re able to raise crops but I’m not sure what you can do and how it’s going to happen.

For #24: True, forgot about the amazing work of Archimedes who defeated a Roman fleet with the power of the sun, with lots of mirrors working like a giant parabolic mirror. Still it happened on open seas like all naval battles did back then. I can’t think of any naval battles on a lake in Europe’s history to be honest.

For #25: The size of a map is not important as long as you put interesting locations in the map, which is obviously not the case for many huge maps. Skyrim needs quick travel because it’s boring to travel by feet. Did you check the livestream recording on Warhorse’s YU-channel? There you can see Dan travelling some decent distance to the stables (iirc)., It’s also important to notice that there’s nothing faster than a horse, so if you would run, you’d still need more than a half hour to cross the map from one end to another directly. GTA 5 has cars, KCD has carts. And in terms of realism: Those big maps offer climatic and geographic / geomorphologic constellations, which are not possible in realistic natural environments. WH wants to have a realistic world and they have taken a real world map and cut out some not so interesting parts. but still keeping it true to the nature so you have cities, villages and beautiful landscapes in a nice mix.

I think game business has indeed changed and is not really “infancy”. If you just take a look at the big players, then you’re looking at a fraction of today’s game industry. Nowadays I’m playing more indie games than AAA titles. It should never be forgotten that the game industry is business and as long as the cash is flowing and the people are buying the same gameplay experience with another successor of the same franchise over and over again, nothing will change at all. Still Kickstarter campaigns prove, what gamers around the world really want and what they’re actually willing to pay. Chris Roberts is making so many millions right now and he’s investing it all into the development. He’s not fixated on making money and profits. He just wants to create an experience that space-sim fans have been waiting for and big publishers are not delivering.

I think there’s no bad timing to join the game industry. You can join any time and leave any time. Some people should leave this area forever (like Peter Molyneux), some should stay forever. Right now you can come up with crazy ideas because Japan is very conservative regarding creativity. I haven’t heard of any crazy game ideas from Japan lately. Instead western indie game devs have so many wicked ideas. Jazz Punk for example is so ridiculously funny and without a friend sitting next to me I wouldn’t get half the movie references used in this game. It’s rather short but entertaining up to the last minute. The new Batman Arkham title? … meh played it for maybe two hours and got bored because the story didn’t catch me. Telltale Games rock the interactive movie scene (it’s not really so adventurous anymore). All you need are good ideas, a story filled with emotions and thrilling moments paired with calm scenes. It’s not good to be stressed or relaxed throughout the whole game. You might either get frustrated or bored and both makes you quit a game. So there’s always a chance to deliver a gameplay experience that millions of people have been waiting for. You just need to find out what it is, because nobody could tell you. And since you’re going into the marketing: selling an idea should be no problem to you.

… I hope I didn’t mess up any structure of the sentences here. Very long posts we’re writing here, @tgirgis.

Recently played through Red Dead Redemption and there are a lot of good ideas to draw from there.

The locational damage specifically. They had the NPCs stumble and limp when hit in the legs, they might drop their weapons if you shoot their arms (or, obviously, the weapon). Shooting them in the chest would cause them visible injury by how their stance changed, they’d often trip over and get up or shoot from the ground.

Of course, how well this can be implemented to melee combat is uncertain.

You have my full support for every system you’ve mentioned (especially no 5) apart from 8, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 25. I think these are either unimportant or too far stretching given the time and budget of the project.

But we should be aware of the fact that KCD is not a “big-budget” AAA game like Skyrim or RDR. Warhorse has some real talent, vision and production values here but it’s hard to reach for the stars with a limited budget. As much as I would like to see each and every of the systems in the game I fear it won’t be possible. At some point you have to make some compromises. But don’t get me wrong, it’s good to have all this ideas on the table and I guess that Dan and his team already considered many of them as well… :wink:

These are some nice ideas but I don’t expect to see more that 10-15 of them in the final game. This is still a game, not real world.
BTW are into Internet Marketing? If you are a member at BHW or CPAelites let me know please.

Actually no I’m not part of BHW or CPAelites but I am very into internet/online marketing and digital interactive marketing

I do agree that Kingdom Come: Deliverance isn’t a big budget triple A game, but I think some of these things can still be done. The big benefit here is that alot of this stuff is enabled by CryEngine which has since gotten incredibly affordable ($9/dev/mo & no royalties) so that’s a big plus for this game. Most AAA games we see either have custom engines (i.e. Rockstar’s Rage Engine, Battlefield’s Frostbite, etc.) or have highly customized engines which is a big factor in costs. That’s not to say they have access to everything and anything that big budget games have access too, but its certainly a ton more than before.

The big issue with not having a big budget is marketing and distrubtion of the product, but according to their blog they did find some solutions (at least to some extent). I think when they open the webstore for this site and if they can get some descent SEO they can bring in a ton more funding. I’m sure there are alot of people like me who are looking to donate a small amount (i’m giving $50 min, $100 if possible) that missed the kickstarter, plus they can also sell some other items that can help fund the game (i.e. concept art posters) plus they can also get pre-order sales going which allows them access to the profits before release that they can use towards development. I’m making a marketing post for them tomorrow with some good ideas and hopefully something good they can use to boost awareness for this game.

Of course it’s good for the budget that the core engine isn’t that expensive and that you don’t need time to make one of your own. But a third party engine doesn’t only have benefits but also some weaknesses especially for additional systems not covered by the core engine. A third party engine often means that it’s harder to add addtional tools since the engine doesn’t directly cater to your needs and is rather inflexible. That means that every task covered by the core engine is relatively easy while every task not covered by it is relatively hard and time and cost intensive. Another factor is the creation of assets. Unity3D for example is also that often used by indies because of the asset and tools shop where you can get standard assets and special tools relatively easily and for a good price. With an AAA engine like CryEngine you have to create al the assets, animations and elements on your own (apart from a few standard elements coming with the engine). That’s a lot of work for a small developers with only a limited amount of artists and designers around. Every system with additional systems, animations and assets on top increases the overall amount of work and the time you need to make the full game. That’s the reason why I think it’s rather unrealistic to put each and every system you proposed here in the game. :wink:

Oh for sure I agree that each and every system would be nuts lol, this was just a list of ideas I had sitting around in a word file, I just posted the whole list for them to sort through and see if there was anything they liked in it. the primary ones I’d like to see are 1-14, 16, 17, 20 (already in the game actually just watched a video on it lol), 21, 22, 26, 29, 30, 31, and 34. A lot of these seem like they’re already in the game, but either way, It won’t be the end of the world if they can’t add many of these features, as long as they have open mod support I think they’ll be fine.

14 won’t be in the game. That’s already known.

And where did you see 8 in a video? :wink:

Shit, did they already confirm no 3rd person support?

and I saw number 20 in the game in this video:

Not number 8, but there is some evidence of 8 (environmental destruction) here:

Not sure to what extent that will be though

Also, some evidence of number 14 (3rd person support) in this video:

But again, not sure to what extent or if this is just a developer mode, but if they have it here, I dont see why they wont have it included at release.

Guys, there won’t be a 3rd person perspective. That was known from the very beginning sorry. It’s 100% ruled out.

The 3rd person view in the live footage is just a placeholder during development to test things. But it won’t be available in the final game.

Off kickstarter:

“We are sorry, but we do not plan to allow you to control your character in 3rd person view (TPV). You will be able to see your character e.g. in cutscenes, dialogues or in the inventory screen, you can also see your body and hands all the time. We believe that FPV allows for better immersion in the world; we also think that we can make the FPV combat work. Moreover the many of the systems, including combat, are designed with FPV in mind and wouldn’t work in TPV without a major redesign.”

Looks like your right =( I hope someone mods it in!

Well, as much as I like third person RPGs I would rather vote for a first person RPG with well done, fitting and challenging combat than a game in which both views and combat systems are lacking in depth. Skyrim is the best example why you shouldn’t do that imo.

I mean if you just want to make a hack’n’slay combat system it’s easy to make that possible for both perspectives. But with a system based on real physics, challenge and skill it’s probably better to concentrate on just one perspective, especially with the limited budget and amount of team members in mind. :wink:

Idk I think they should put it on the budget chart when they open the webstore (the chart that shows what they can do if they reach X amount from kickstarter) and if they reach the money for it they can hire a person or two solely to handle 3rd person perspective. It’s tough though it’s gonna require alot of thinking, like how would you cut a coinpurse off someone’s waist when your in 3rd person but I think it’s doable (i.e. zoom in over shoulder or zoom to first person, etc.)

I’m a big fan of both first person and 3rd person, I’m mainly a 3rd person player these days (WoW left me scarred lol) but either way, I’m sure if it’s not in the budget/scope of work based on time then someone can always mod it in.

how about making it so there are preset slots for different costumes, so it is one click? the changing clothes with different armors and colors in different areas, has an effect on how people view you. With that in mind with the flip up visor when not in combat so I can hide my I.D. better.