Gathering herbs -sometimes possible, sometmies not

Why is it so ? Sometimes I can gather them and some other time I cannot ? Are there any rules for it ? Dandelion was the first herb I gathered - when it is possible I get a popup with the name of the herb upon directing the yellow dot on it ; the problem is, sometimes I get the popup and other time I do not (for the same herb, like dandelion). I cannot figure out why :wink: Today I could not gather dandelions in the very same palce that I gathered them a few days ago (it was by the windmill, but the issue occurs in different places).

I was having the same problem - I am told it is a known bug

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ok, thanks :slight_smile: I did not report it but today, after updating Beta, I thought I would ask …

Must be ten characters.

I tried picking dandelions in the very same location - by the windmill - one day I could, the other day I could not :frowning: I am not sure if it is a location problem. I think it’s a plain lottery …as if each time loading the game the things be auto-generated by the engine :frowning:

one in game day or real time?

the bug is not persistant. lets say you cannot pick dandelions near the windmill, but you travel to samopesh and those dandelions are pickable.

oddly mushrooms seem to be unaffected.

after loading a saved game another day real time

Yeah that’s what I thought. Save games are frequently buggy and broken.

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