How to get gauntlets?

I tried persuasion on the supplier guy at the army camp but it failed 3 times in 3 “playthroughs” is there any way to make it work or have a second attempt or improve speech or whatever?
Thanks :smile:

To persuade him you have to level up your speech skill. That is quite easily done just by talking.

But although it is easy in theory in reality it means that you have to go through a lot of dialog. Anyway when you do that he will tell to to come to the taver in Samopesh and there he will sell you the gauntlets.

I have made a topic about all quests (though I am still postponing adding the pictures) you can find some help there.

Summary of Quests in Alpha (0.4) WIP


Ok thanks, how about pauldrons, vambraces, revebraces and couters? How do I get those? I have the open bascinet, cuirass and leg armour (i forget the name) but I feel incomplete without arm armour lol :smile: