I have very low fps guys :(

Hi guys , this game runs pretty bad on my pc and i dont get why, i know it’s a beta but in the past i tried the alpha on my laptop with a GTX 860M on it and it was running decent.

Now i got a much better desktop pc ( i’ll upload the specs down in a dxdiag) and it runst pretty bad, not even 20 fps and drops to 4-9 fps even in the menu.

Can someone tell me if i lack of anything to make it run better or it’s just a bad optimization ?

This is the DxDiag DxDiag.txt (75.4 KB)

The beta is terribly optimised.

I believe they’ve said actual game performance should/will be better.

Yeah but here on the forum i’ve read of people running it at 30-40 fps, for me even the menu at 1280x720 with everything at low doesn’t it the 30fps T.T.
Maybe it will reach it but it immediately drops…

Performance above 25 average FPS for the beta was very rare.

The beta is nearing two years old and was never patched or optimized due to a focus on the final release.

Your best bet increase performance is to reduce lighting and shadows and turn off vegetation all together.

If you get better results they will be minimal however.

Beta Performance Thread


Oh ok, i was very worried yesterday when i’ve tried it but it’s good to know that. Thanks for the info :smile: can’t wait to try it good at the release. About the digital keys, are they gonna email it to us or it will be available in the profile of the official site ?