Ingame Nudity ?!

@boojumbunn I agree with you on 100%.
Suggested the same thing on another topic about another thing.
“Make all controversy themes optional” - this is the only proper thing to do. Why either/or?
Even if the game reaches 50GB in space, so what? Who exactly won’t have 20-30-60 GB free space on his HDD in the end of 2015? Better make a product which everybody can enjoy based on their preferences than limiting it to a certain auditory. Most of the time, the chosen auditory is immature, childish or softcore and I strongly hope this won’t count for Deliverance.

I think there will be enough nudity.
Tbh have you ever seen a medieval RPG without nudity ? :wink: :smile:

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Yes, pornographic movies without nudity feel less good. No, actually they suck… haaard. :lollipop: :stuck_out_tongue:

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People I think what we all want mainly is a fun game to play with realism, and yes it would be realistic to see male/female nudity.
But let’s think about this a bit more… would you want so much realism that you have to go and take a piss a couple times a day that you just have to stop riding your horse, go to a tree and take a virtual penis out of the pants? Realism is limited.
Aside from that, I don’t really care. If I want to see boobs I look at my girlfriend. If I see boobs anywhere else it’s just natural. Does that mean I’m against nudity in the game? Not at all, the more realism the better, but my goal of this game is not getting virtually laid.
You’re all (officially) mature, maybe just act like it instead like sexually frustrated teens.

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omg your girlfriends has boobs…
What a lucky guy you are :wink: I thought women don’t exist and are just a marketing scheme, that we buy expensive jewelry, go to the gym, aso.

Don’t get me wrong but your way of argueing sounds a hell lot like a sexually frustrated teen. This is the www, nobody cares about your girlfriends boobs. And most of the backers (this is an educated guess) are me included older than 18 and we probably all have seen a girl/guy naked. Ive nudepatches for skyrim installed, mostly because of the better textures but i dont mind seeing my hero(male) naked when he dresses. I’m from germany and some of us (me included) like going to fkk (no textile) beaches. We don’t go there to see boobs, tbh.

Your argument is invalid Sir!

Movies without nudity are just fine, if the theme doesn’t include nudity, that’s cool.

It’s the movies where there are scenes with supposed nudity but not really, that are silly.
The scene: the morning after a one night stand and the people involved get up from the bed and somehow the camera angle is just in such a way that nothing can be seen or something else is strategically placed so it just censors the genitalia of the actors.
That is just silly and only drives more focus on the said genitalia than if they would just be seen for a second like it normally would.

Movies where they stick boobies in your face every 10 or some such minutes are just as silly, because it’s only point is more of ten than not, well, the nudity itself. Think American Pie etc.

Unnecessary nudity is just as stupid as unnecessary censorship.

I’m sorry I was irritated by the whole discussion. What I just meant is that I wouldn’t mind nudity, but it also wouldn’t matter if it wasn’t there. Nudity could have it’s value in the game, my apologies for my indeed unnecessary rant.

Make all controversial themes optional? People will be burned at the stake in this game (as seen in screenshots) because that sort of thing actually happened back then. As stated in other threads, Warhorse is not going to be timid about “controversial” things that happened in history, their goal is to make this the most authentic experience possible, it’s not for the faint of heart.

Put another way, giving the player the option to cut so many things out will dilute the vision they have for the story and game as a whole. It’s the same problem that a lot of sandbox games have, you lose emotional impact when you give the audience too much control over their experience. This is why there won’t really be any character creation, because that gives Warhorse more control over the drama of the story.

So long story short, you can either have a powerful game/story experience not everyone will like or a bland experience that tries to cater to everyone.

-Getting on topic, I approve of the devs’ approach to nudity. If it appears during sex scenes then the assets will be there, modders can handle making that nudity more readily accessible to those who want it.


I would prefer that any nudity and language for that matter, be optional myself so that the game can be fun for all demographics and not strictly mature players only.

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and we are back to the basic question. Why is nudity or foul language for that matter a problem?
When killing a person with a sword is not… (Or do yo think all violence should be removed also?)


Some people enjoy a good action game without the unnecessary inclusion of other mature themes. I’m not saying that’s for everybody or how it should be for everybody, but for those who prefer it, it would be nice if it were an option. If it were made an option the game would be attractive to audiences beyond the mature gamer only and would receive more backers from other demographics playing the game. I’m just saying it should accommodate different people’s comfort levels. It’s just like the guy who enjoys action movies but isn’t into porn.

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I think your average tampon advert contains more mature themes than will ever be in this game…


Then you clearly havn’t played the alpha…

There might be foul language, nudity in this game, weapons and violence, but no people of colors and same sex marriage? Ugh, I hope Dan and the team is prepared for the sh*tstorm that will occur once the game is out in the market… :smiley:

“Joke” aside, the problem with too much options is that it will make the game expensive. Right now you see an option to turn off - for example - cursing and violence. How so? Optional censoring? Rewriting dialogues? Or like Total War handles this, blood DLC? We will get to the point where people won’t buy the game because a considerable amount of money they pay is for development they won’t use one way or another.
KCD already has a set “demographic segment” to aim for. Believe me, I have never played for example the Witcher, or Mass Effect, or Dragon Age, or whichever title comes with “deep” social agenda and nudity or love interest-b*llshit. But I have no problem with these in itself. I care about the middle ages, and either the fact that people occassionally kill each other or - hopefully more often - have sex with each other makes or doesn’t make it’s way into the game is all up to the developers as far as I am concerned.
In the end, all it matters is the game, the story, and if this is good, I’m fine with the tools to achieve this as long as they are not self-serving.


comfort levels? it’s simply not possible to cater to everyone, they’d have to make a dozen version of the game, quests will have to be scripted differently, cutscenes shot multiple times, dialog recorded at least 2 different ways. and they’ll have to do this, just because some guy can’t handle boobs?

there comes a time for introspection, i think that time has come for you.


These guys lived in somewhat static communities in the middle of nowhere, knowing each other most of their lives, I am pretty sure they didn’t make a big deal of occasionaly stumbling upon each other washing their balls in the stream, of teenagers shagging in the hay or drunk guy running around the village with his pants off on his 30th birthday.

This whole issue is quite ridiculous to be honest. What is happening in the game shouldn’t be governed by the question “will we show tits or not?” or anything like that. They should primarily write interesting story and quests, and make the characters act as they would act, without worrying too much about what could offend an American/Saudi/Indian/any other customer with strange cultural quirks.

If we see naked person during the game, sure, why not. If we don’t, no problem either. The important thing for whatever the game will contain is making sense in a context of the game.


213’s post is harsh, but he’s right. This game is set in 1403 in the midst of a vicious and bloody civil war. It begins with the protagonist having his village burned to the ground and his family murdered by marauding soldiers; the Kickstarter campaign had screenshots showing characters being burned at the stake. It’s not aimed at kids, and censoring nudity and bad language would simply destroy the atmosphere without actually making it suitable for the ‘other demographics’ people are talking about.

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that’s a good idea and make it easy for everyone. I played Mortals and it has full nudity. and a guy trolled me and kept putting his wang in my face. I tried to kill him and was killed by guards. and he looted me. If they do add it. make it a arrest able offence, public indecency, So if a man try’s to dangle his manhood in my face he may become the first sex change. =] or some small sausage treat for my mastiff! Now its a woman and she is cute could be my treat. haha Will their be love and marriage? As youknow most of our GF’s , Wife’s, or whatever HATE GAMING! I talked to my GF and she was willing to try the game because I told her I will make our characters look like us we could make a home and farm, and she can wash my clothes! haha, she seemed interested, So as I am out fighting, she can be taking care of all our home and personal needs. Also she can learn skills :Healing, cooking, crafting etc. So we both can enjoy the game. Sure I will teach her how to use a weapon. incase I’m not there to protect her. or if she needs to perform a sex change operation! =P. Just my 2 groschen worth !

Interesting game. Though I had not much time to get deeper into it.

Not sure if this NPC behaviour will be possible. But it sounds it could fit some local crazy man… what say you @Vik?

Some romantic bits will probably be present, and surely some sex scenes. But I don’t see marriage happening.

I think you have big misconceptions about this game. And I am sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this. But you wont be able to choose appearance of your character (except maybe hair, beard). Your character will be Henry the Blacksmith and thats it.
Also the game does not support multiplayer, so you wont be able to play with your girlfriend.
You probably heard of playable female character. That is true but you will play as her only for a few quests and then switch back to Henry.

It seems that you live under impression that this game is MMORPG. But let me assure you that KC:D is singleplayer role playing game in the same manner (not necessiraly on the same level) as Elderscrolls series.

Hope you will still like the game even though it turned out to be something different you though it to be.


Tell you what, I would probably never venture out into the real world ever again if someone were to make a Kingdom Come MMO (especially if it could do a Neverwinter Nights-style Persistent World).