Large scale battles how they hell are they going to do them?

So I have the alpha and the cryengine is looking good, almost too good.

Battles, how the hell are they going to maintain that level of fidelity on a battle field?
I imagine that as single combatants in the 15C weren’t prone to going rambo across the whole battle field and were more likely to stick with their ‘unit’ we will not have 1000’s of NPC.

can we?

It will more likely be 100’s surely. (Scripted melee in the background as wallpaper) I guess I’m thinking Ryse

As a crescendo to the warrior path having a Medal of honour omaha beach landing type moment of awe as you stand shoulder to shoulder with characters you have been interacting with throughout the story. (@Warhorse - you are allowed a load screen for that)

There are so many ways to be in a battle I cannot wait to find out how its implemented

This is a great feature of course , and will be one of the lost hit points if done wrong…
I remember that when the assassins creed III was about to release, Ubisoft said " we are pushing forward with this next gen, we will have thousands of soldiers fighting in the battlefield in major battles of the game" --> then the great disappointment, just a background that you could not even reach -.-"
I hope Warhorse will not do this mistake though, and will give exactly what is promising, at least everything is appointed to that until now…but even i have my doubts

Okay, so there won’t be any large scale battles. In a sense of Mount and Blade. There won’t be 100 or more characters on screen. Fighting at once. That’s simply impossible due to the hardware and software limitations. The largest battles will be heavilly scripted. Now, I’m almost positive that those battles will be inspired by Medal of Honor Omaha beach mission. There will be a large body of soldiers, moving arround in formations. In scripted way, fighting, reforming. Doing their things. They won’t be a part of the active battlefield, but similiarly as (Moha NPC’s) they won’t be quite a background window either. Remember this :

I believe this footage captures the mechanics of large scale battle. Few men, fighting arround. Which will be your and your allies task to take care of (maybe clean up crew, maybe protecting flanks) While the massive body fights further away.

Now this footage :

Shows an infantry charge, with your “camera” being in the middle of it. Again, I believe that isn’t ingenious either. You will be a part of scripted charge’s, maybe defence. But that won’t be an active mechanic. More of an action intro. When the charge ends, troops will dispearse. And again, you will be battling with few enemies. while the large ammount of soldiers will fight in the background. But maybe the battle will sway, in the way which sections you win or loose. And the outcome will depend on your performance, etc…

You’re making a lot of big assumptions here…

The devs have spoken quite openly about the advanced AI routines and behaviours they’re coding for NPC’s. I wouldn’t discount that this approach would translate across to large scale warfare in some capacity. As to what extent however, we’re all merely guessing at this point.

See other relevant threads here >

@zat0ichi - Mate it might be worthwhile using the forums in-built search feature next time, it’s pretty intuitive and as you can see from the above this topic has been discussed at length across a number of different threads :wink:


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