Lars Andersen: a New Level of Archery, debunked

Well I’m sure you can understand why @213 might think that. Lars makes a video spewing lies so its not that hard to think he could be lying about some of his trick shots. Again I’m not claiming his trick shots are staged I’m just saying i can understand where @213 is coming from.

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Go up and read my post. There are 14th century sources that show methods that he uses. The one I linked to is “Saracen Archery.” I recommend reading it.

If you take the time to put in the research you’ll find his techniques are legitimate, historical, and effective techniques.

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So archers back then used underpowered bows and didn’t pull the string back to even half draw?

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I can’t speak to the draw weight of the time, nor can I speak to how much power it would take to kill a lightly armored target from horseback at the various mentioned ranges (mentioned in the text.) However, I would like to point you to page 142 of the text (pdf page 99) you’ll see under section 5 “Dexterity and Rate of Shooting” it says, “… the author sets for the archer is the ability to discharge 3 arrows in about 1 and 1/2 seconds…It is nevertheless an attainable standard as is evident from the achievement, in modern times, of Saxton Pope who did succeed on a number of occasions in shooting 7 arrows in 8 seconds (Elmer, Target Archery, pp. 428-30)… During the second crusade William of Tyre, who must have been conversant with the performance of his own bowmen, remarked more than once on the dexterity of the enemy archers. '” The Saracen cavalry…began to shoot thicker and faster than one could believe possible."’’’

You’ll find all of it on 142 of

Is Lars using the exact same methods? Possibly, or maybe he’s created new methods that obtain the same results, it doesn’t matter, the point is that what he’s doing is what archers in history were capable of and there is plenty of historical record to corroborate that. But it’s accurate to say he as re-invented the techniques that produce these results. That’s what re-inventing is…Until a time comes where we discover archers of the time used the same technique it is accurate to say “re-invented” given the results are the same.

Just because something was lost doesn’t mean it never existed, and just because archers today can’t do it doesn’t mean it’s not real. I urge you to please read the pdf. You can’t expect to argue a point if you haven’t researched it thoroughly.

If you’d like to present a source that has the draw weight of 14th century Saracen Mameluke bows and also the force it takes to kill an armored target from horseback I’d gladly welcome and appreciate the education!

Thank you!

There are tests done with war bows that have a draw weight from around 85-175 lbs shooting a gambeson with chain mail underneath. It has little effect so there’s no way in hell his little toy bow will do anything.

I never said this was impossible. But the way he does it is just stupid and wouldn’t be effective against even a lightly armoured opponent. The string doesn’t even go back to half draw it almost looks like he’s throwing the arrows. If he could get 3 arrows off in 1/2 seconds with a real bow at full draw then i would be impressed.

Yeah again I’m not saying any of this is impossible I’m just saying the way he does it would not be in any way effective in combat. Lets give him a 85 lb English long bow and see if he does it that fast.

Nothing was lost. Archery techniques from hundreds of different cultures have been passed down through the generations and Lars Anderson is telling those people that they’re doing it all wrong.

I believe the average draw Weight of those Saracen bows were around 50-60 lbs some may have been 80 lbs. At draw weights like that they would have had trouble penetrating armour. When Lars does his fastest shooting he is using a tiny bow that you can judge to be around 20-30 lbs draw weight. A bow like is a toy that would probably bounce off a thick winter coat.

We don’t know the range at which this was shot but it was a 140 lb English war bow.That is an extremely powerful bow. As you can see it didn’t penetrate the armour. So i will repeat there is no way in hell his toy is going through any real armour.

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Well im not sure if any of you have seen this. Its his video responding to the critics. Its pretty much just him backpedaling and contradicting himself. Read the comments too. Everyone thinks this guy is Jesus or something if anyone disagrees with him they’re viciously attacked.

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How is he denying the truth when he backs up what he says with the facts that are written in the book? I dont understand your hate towards the video he made, backing himself up and basically saying that he does some stuff by trick shooting etc etc.

If you watch his first video he claims he discovered and reinvented this archery. In his new video he backs out of his statement and says " Well i’m sure other people knew about it but i think im the first one to do it". He also doesn’t address his bold statement “everything you know about archery is a lie”.

In regards to the back quiver he once again backs out of his original statement. In his original video he claims its a Hollywood myth and then in this video he says “what i mean’t to say is it wasn’t as common as people thought”. He realized that he sounded like an arrogant prick in the first video by telling everyone that his way was the true way and by making false statements. Now hes trying to make himself sound less like a dumb ass by contradicting his first video, but i just lost all respect for him when i saw him doing that.

Yes trick shooting. That’s what he does. don’t call it historical. His method would not be effective under any circumstances unless he was fighting a naked guy. He claims this was the way archery was done and that today’s archer is a lie. He’s saying that the English, Welsh, Japanese, Mongols , American Indians, and many other cultures are doing archery all wrong even though they’ve been using the same (effective) techniques for hundreds if not thousands of years.

That’s my issue with Lars Anderson. He’s an impressive trick shooter and if he didn’t go around claiming he knows everything, and that his way is the truth then i would have no problem with him. Lets also add his fanatical fan base that attacks anyone who disagrees with his “historical methods”. If you don’t believe me read the comments on that video. Anyone who shows the slightest doubt are told they know nothing about archery and they are just sad trolls.