Let! Me! Save!

What a stupid assumption that is to make… As others have said, there’s ways around it. The game can be paused, or Alt+Tab’d out of when necessary.

I’ll take that you’re just being facetious back, and didn’t think I genuinely assumed that.

And if you have to find “ways around” a game mechanic just to shut down your computer, it is not a game mechanic which should be in the game. Besides, plenty of people found this game quite crashy, which completely wrecks the point of your “way around”, and are appropriately annoyed by this


^^ Opinion ^^

I can foresee moments where it may become frustrating. As of yet, I’ve not encountered those. My opinion is that it’s an interesting take on a fundamental mechanic.

I think the problem actually lies with the limit, rather than necessarily the save mechanism. If you could hold more than 3 Schnapps in inventory at any given time, then I doubt it would be as big an issue.

Thank you so much for linking! I wouldn’t have imagined it modded this fast :star_struck:

Oh, it is an interesting take, but one that creates unpleasant problem. My opinion is if a playing a game requires me to quite literally manage my day around it (something I found tedious in MMO’s, and this is SINGLE), or lose progress if I don’t, it stops being fun and start being work.

If I wanted to pay to work, I’d play EVE.


Use a nearby bed. Problem solved, case closed. Geez…

And what about the poor sodds on the console side?! (Rhetorical question)

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You don’t seem to understand the problem. “Just pause the game” is useless advice to those of us who have to leave for more than 10 minutes - and believe me, it happens more often than you might think. I’m not going to leave my console running for hours.

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Space and saveslots…!

I understand it perfectly well. I just don’t see it as a problem as others do… That’s all

I agree, the saving system is terrible. There should be a save on exit and a save everytime a quest or part of a quest is completed. There are times when you have to choose between not going to bed or losing hours of gaming.

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If you guys aren’t going to change how saves work You could at least make a save system for quitting out of the game and reloading. Like a save you can only see on launch screen once you quit the game and it will only save this particular way when you quit. This way people with wee babies can actually play this game. And the save scummers cant save scum.

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Yes. I did came here exact same reason. I just bought this game via steam and i was very disappointment because this stupid saving system. It is absolutely garbage. it is shame because i was hoping so much for this game. Well it was my 2 cents and i will live and move to next game.


Pretty much the number one shared, upvoted and essential mod currently until the devs decide to implement a more normalized system officially.

Increased my enjoyment of the game tenfold.


I agree, the immersive save system seems cool, but having an option to just save anytime will please everyone.


I agree.we need save for exit.

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I am not happy with the save-option too. Just need a quick-save option to leave the game and continue on the spot I saved.

We need save at exit at the very least. Autosave points are just way too sparse to actively look for them and sometimes you just dont have the time.

Also saving during sleeping is actually not working for me. Never has. What’s going wrong?


+1 Not having at least the promised Save on exit is a horrible idea. I can’t plan my life around checkpoints of this game that seem to be few and far between. And at this time, not having an easy save option when the game has game-breaking bugs is bad. I tried playing this for the first time yesterday. First there was the realization that there is no save on exit… Fine, let’s hope the checkpoints are reasonably common. Last save the game did was at the beginning of the shit-throwing quest in the tutorial. After a few minutes wondering around, I got stuck in the middle room of the tavern house, unable to go through open doors… Reload, back to shit-throwing. OK… After that, I avoided going to unnecessary locations not to hit the bug again. However, no new save for 30 minutes of doing other quests like Kunesh etc. Life got in the way and I had to quit the game. Back to shit-throwing…


Isn´t it possible to overwrite saveslots? Lets say 5 slots for autosaves which are constantly overwriting? Just asking, I know shit about this.