Lockpicking is impossible on console

It is ridiculously hard on a controller - to the point of being absolutely unplayable. Just the cost of having to buy friggin lockpicks constantly because of breakage on ‘Very Easy’ makes it ridiculous beyond the time spent. When the suggested video says “keep reloading until you get a sweet spot that is easier” as their top tip that is stupid. I choose the console version from the kickstarter now I wish I had chosen the PC version because it is light years easier on the PC. This game officially goes in my “at least I only wasted kickstarter money” bin until I read it’s been improved. and to you PC players - don’t prattle on about “practice” “it isn’t that hard” until you try it on Xbox or PS with a controller. Having done both I assure you while the PC version is far more difficult than other games it is well within tolerable levels versus the hair pulling frustration on a console.


Seriously I am fighting my stick to stay on the sweet spot on console. It’s jumping and jittering. Please fix!

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Mines keep jumping around as I move it. Sensitivity is so wack.

Can anyone explain how we are supposed to level lock picking when we can’t complete a very easy lock ? do we gain level even when we fail ? … the picking is a physical impossibility in real life on a controller, you can’t turn 2 sticks at the same time especially when the sweet spot is so small. who thought this was a good idea ? I have picked locks in real life and guess what ? it’s easier in real life. I have a lock picking kit and locks to practise on, picks don’t break because they don’t exist in real life. I’m returning this shite game, that touts it’s realism.lol. realism.

Tsunamik … Are they really ? … got a link to the post or whatever with them saying they are working on it ?

Here you go

Saved and try to open a easy lock 20 times, but without luck. It´s do hard an console and good, that warhorse will fix it.

Read the post below yours, somebody already linked it to you

I’m just hoping they don’t change it too much or make it too easy… I got the hang of it and would be kinda upset to have to learn again or feel I wasted my time getting better at it…

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Had the same problem, had to reload save then it worked

Hey guys sorry for the delay i’d have had the video to help everyone on console lock picking and pick pocketing up already but psn has been down in my area =.= Also ill be adding in other ways to make large money so you don’t have to thieve as i found another.

I agree. So much. I loved the game on PC and the lockpicking could be challenging but rewarding.

On PS4 it’s impossible. I’ve wasted 6 lockpicks and and am on my last lockpick now stuck in an endless loop of saving and attempting to pick the lock. I’ve been here for two real life hours trying to get into the meat and bones of the game but basically stuck in the tutorial because it’s very obviously difficult to rotate two analogue sticks at different speeds…

ok I wasted a freaking sejvovice so I can save before the millers lock to get the ring. I keep on trying with no luck and it’s an “easy” lock. This is extremely frustrating…

Speed does it definitly, doing it slowly makes it impossible yes.

Find the golden spot when it is at his biggest, left stick as far out as possible and just quickly turn while following with the golden spot as good as possible, for me it works 90 percent pf the time now.

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I at first became very frustrated with the lockpicking minigame on PC (Mouse and Keyboard).

I looked up tutorials and thought it would be impossible and I’d never bother with it. But funny enough after trying it a few more times I eventually am able to do it. Things will present themselves as difficult in the game at the start - but it’s as Captain Bernard says. Practice makes perfect.

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Try it on a console. I’m getting better myself, but it is still really hard … and noisy. I tried it on the PC and its dead simple in comparison. That being said, I hope they don’t make it too easy. I’d rather see them make a very small change and go from there.

i am on ps4, it is hard to start but lets not forget your lockpicking skill is really low, but i was trying to do it all slowly and not let the circle turn grey and kept failing, however i tried going faster with the left stick and it makes lockpicking much easier,

Thats the whole point your not suppose to be able to master these things in a day… so maybe stop trying to and take your time with the game practice and get better. Learn by your mistakes. It isnt hard. But sorry you whiny people want to be able to roll right through the game. Go back to easyskyrim. Your all going to ruin a good game

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As to reloading until you find a better sweet spot, you can just exit the lock then try again without even doing anything and the sweet spot will have moved. I think what people are saying as far as that is find a sweet spot that’s near the edge so you can just push both sticks the the end of their movement and then rotate them both. It’s really a lot easier if you have a good sweet spot to rotate on, even when you don’t going faster helps and practicing on the tutorial lock box raised your skill level and you get unlimited lockpicks on that one too I’m pretty sure.

I find if i dislocate my thumb lockpicking is easy !
Bloody thing just has to be rotated too far