Login site for supporters kickstarter

I’m sorry, but for those backer on kickstarter, that I have to enter password to login on your website? you can not even change my password … I would like to donate more money but maybe do not want them anymore … :smile:

It seems that at the moment only “new” people can pledge. But I hope there will be the option to increase pledges as well in the future. :wink:

Fortunately it is not like that, Lord Crash. We have tested the crowd funding platform with some KS accounts and it worked well. So it is not for new comers only. They may be some bugs on the other hand…

I think that we have problems with people who logged to KS with FB or TW thus we don’t have their password, but have their emails. Email is taken, but the passwords is missing. We are working on this issue.

Thank you!

That’s good to know! So how can I update my kickstarter Baron tier to Viscount? Just selecting Viscount in the pledge shop? Will the money needed for the update recalculated then?

Exactly - when you login at our website, you should see KS pledge on your profile page - in your case Baron tier. When you click on Viscount tier you will see you can update your tier by pledging 25 dollars. Does it work?

Yeah, kind of. When I log into the site Viscount tier is still shown available for 70 bucks on the pledge page. Only when I click on the pledge button for the Viscount tier the amount is changed to $30 (not $25) at the bottom and upgrade is shown. That’s a a little bit confusing/inconvenient… :wink:

Will some of the higher physical versions added to the pledge shop anytime? I don’t know yet whether to upgrade to Viscount or waiting for other versions…

Well, I see there is a misunderstanding, the difference is between Baron from KS for 40 dollars and new Viscount for 70. Sorry for that miscalculation from me.

We add new tiers, the question is when. I don’t want to promise any specific date now :slight_smile:

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