Metro article

[quote=“serk, post:18, topic:37400”]
This is why Germans don’t make good movies, our films always have to be moralizing and didactic. A movie/game can not simply be fun it has to be political (but not right wing political ofc)

I am seriously thinking about buying another copy of the game just because of articles like this. Just to support the “anti-progressive stance” - as I also hold such “stance”…


It’s modern day historical revisionism. The left has understood that many consumers of digital entertainment will fully believe any type of historical “fact” being told to them through games/movies/tv shows.


DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER?:triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph:


Thats the reason why I don’t want to use the link.

No I assumed your sexual trigenity !

Guys quit hating on the Metro/Game central, it is NOT an article. That is a letters page where everyday nobodies can write in and sound off. Absolutely not a journalistic article. And the regulars there in the comments have rightly slaughtered the guy who wrote in.

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It’s interesting how threatened some people feel by a game focusing on European History. Would they also demand “Diversity” in a game about feudal Japan and Samurai culture?


I’m quite certain there is a very large contingent from various “Anti-SJW” or “Alt-Right” groups that are buying this game solely for the things Vávra has said. I know that’s at least what made me look into KC:D, though it was the amazing realism, combat and roleplay that truly made me purchase it.

Frankly, I think Warhorse might just want to own the “Anti-SJW” label - games like Hat in Time, Cuphead (amusingly the SJW issue with it was just that it was difficult), Neir: Automata, Rimworld, arguably MGS:V (Quiet) and so many others have sold amazingly, despite heavy SJW criticism. Compare that to any number of SJW-pandering mainstream games like Wolfenstein 2: NC, ME: Andromeda, Watch Dogs 2, Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider, etc, which have all performed abysmally. As much as mainstream media wants people to perceive SJW positions as being the majority position, it’s very clear in real life and in spending habits that the true majority hates all of that crap.


Black samurai !!!

No they would not because when people say diversity, 90% of the time they just want less white people.


I remember the outcry they made about the whale hunting in Assassins Creed: Black Flag, about the stereotypical portrayal of the natives in Far Cry 3, or basically anything that is in GTA5, the latter being the best selling game of all times.


I think people are trying to apply the racial mix of major city’s, trading hubs and port etc of that period to a small bit of countryside, which just doesn’t work.

e.g. I grew up in the countryside of the UK, less than ~50 miles (~80km) west of the UK’s second largest city which has a large racial diversity, yet the first school I went to which had a far larger catchment aria than the KCD world had no people other than white, the secondary school I went to which had a much larger catchment area that encompassed two small towns and many small village there was just 2 none-white people in the school of ~1500 students for the 5 years I was there, and that is a place that is only a relatively short distance from the racial melting-pot of Birmingham UK during the latter half of the 1970’s and first half of the 1980’s.

i.e. the racial diversity through history of major city’s etc is not indicative of the countryside.

I wouldn’t even say there is really a “history” of racial diversity. Most of the “diversity” has come about the last 30-40 years for most western nations.


Racial diversity was not a thing untill XX century, during new age (15-20 century) there wrre a few arabs or alike in few traiding hubs like Dubrovnik, Venice, Calais etc…
What existed in middle ages was ETHNICAL diversity, but the issue is that national identity was not developed at the time, and certanly had nothing to do with ethnical background like today (Ex: Czechs are Slavs). At the (And you can see in the game) Medieval HRE there was hardly any ethnical diversity really, there were Germans, Hungarians and Slavs so nit much to be implememted.
Might be a few Greek to come

More kvetching from the usual suspects. Can’t wait to see how things are when white people are minorities in Sweden, Britain and Ireland by 2050 as academics are currently predicting. Only have a link on Ireland atm, not on my home computer.


Note: People saying it’s “not likely” are manipulating government statistics which count “citizens” as ethnic Swedes, Irish, British, etc. You only have to visit a major city to see how things are in Europe.

I, for one, definitely have no problem with that at all though - wouldn’t want to be racist or anything :slight_smile:



Black Panther was called the “most diverse” movie ever. But there was very few white people.

“Diversity” - Less white people.


Well, at least you can’t be racist when you’re brown and the entire rest of the world is too! Though would all-brown America and all-brown Britain still have to say sorry to all-brown Africa for slavery in 2050?


Exactly bro! It’ll be great when there’s no Hate™ in the world because everyone is a frizzy haired mulatto :grinning:

I dont’ know about that though, let’s replace ourselves first and figure all the details out later, amirite? :slight_smile:


Oh by the Gods! Why is this even an issue? I’m going to make a statement coming from the perspective of an African American man who enjoys rpgs, and history:

Stop It! This is the problem with the SJW movement. They claim to be fighting for the rights for women and minorities, but their movement is more of a hindrance than a help. This game is set in an Eastern European country (same as the Witcher series). During the middle ages, the common peasant, lord, knight, and king/emperor of these areas weren’t from the Middle East or Africa, they were Europeans (Slavs). If the developers added a mixture of other ethnicities, I’d only approve of it if it were in a historical context. Adding a diverse cast just for the sake of making the game diverse hinders the creativity of the game, and destroys the goal the developers want to achieve (a historical based rpg). In fact, by adding their brand of diversity, they are in fact being racist/sexist.
In the middle ages, men faught in wars, women didn’t. That’s not being sexist, that’s being historically accurate. I personally love a strong female protagonist, I pretty much roll a female character in any rpg I play. In a game like this though, I totally understand why that wouldn’t work.
Saying that the developers are unapologetic racists and sexists because they decided to go with a historically accurate game, set an a particular point in history, is like saying that Stephen King is an unapologetic racist because he uses the N word for all of his racist characters in his stories, or if a particular director of a movie made told a story about American slavery from a neutral point of view, used the N word with those characters who would have used it during those times, and had scenes where the slave women were beaten and raped.
SJWs stifle creativity. As fellow gamers, I think we need to push this type of crap out of our scene.