Multiplayer POSSIBLE

While I don’t remember literally how did @TOBIAS (the original poster) write his post at first, before the edit, I would remember if the change would be too radical. He’s not (and I don’t believe he even was) suggesting any “multiplayer or co-op fitted into the single player somehow”. Some actual MP-trolls did elswhere, no arguing about that.

His idea seems like the option to upload statistical info from the SP onto the web, possibly via some player’s profile on the game’s home site and forum (or copying it somehow to Facebook, whatever…). That has nothing to do with MP.

And when he did mention MP, it pretty much resembled the standalone-idea-of-an-MP many of us seem to actually agree on without going haterish and trollish. And yet some notorious MP-haters started going bluntly anti-MP trolling just as soon as they got here.
This is what outraged me to the point of writing that little novel up there.
Some of them go even so far to actually try to make it look like they represent the voice of the whole community with this. WHAT? Is this turning into some sort of joke?

The very idea of any sort of MP in this game si actually just hanging on a rather thin thread, but a specific handful of very vocal users seem to suffer a growing hystery over the idea that Warhorse would give in to the campaign-MP trolls. If you do watch what is going on around the KCD concept, you know that can’t be further from truth.

This sort of acting is irrational and in the extreme point they seem trying to make (like to eradicate the idea altogether by making it sound like everybody here just hates it) is even very selfish, as they are trying to influence even things that might not have any impact on their own interaction with the game at all, while others (possibly an actual majority) might benefit from them, if they were implemented with reason in mind.
Does it mean they think the Warhorse developers do lack something like reason?
I hope not, as that would be a quite foolish sort of underestimation, especially in current circumstances.

The fact that the MP theme is being opened up repeatedly in several threads is another thing altogether. It might be good if the admins/moderators locked up most of these threads as well as most of any future ones and redirected the users to one particular thread instead. To keep the MP discussion in one place at least.

if i wanted mp, i’d pledge for an mp game. the kickstarter tag clearly states realistic, authentic, single player medieval rpg.

i think people who pledge need to respect the dev’s vision and stop asking for things that are not in their design.


Before reading this and earlier posts, I think it’s appropriate to say, that I only added the last paragraph starting with EDIT, and cause it did not helped, I made the sentence of the third paragraph a heading to make it visible, because at that time I was unable to add new posts (badge was not assigned yet)
I don’t want to alter the pure SP experience, cause I love it as well. But later I’d use some MP experience as well.

I think I’ve said I’d be all right with some sort of MP element as long as the single-player side is kept the way Warhorse intends it to be. If they end up with the resources and ability to do some sort of MP thing outside of that, like in a later tourney mode or something else, fine - so long as the single-player side remains the high-quality story and play they’re going for.

At this point I have and expect to continue to have zero interest in going through the actual story with anyone else joining it.

i have to agree. and mp likely will end up being like m&b/warband/war of the roses. ie, crap.

[quote] The fact that the MP theme is being opened up repeatedly in several threads is another thing altogether. It might be good if the admins/moderators locked up most of these threads as well as most of any future ones and redirected the users to one particular thread instead. To keep the MP discussion in one place at least. [/quote] I think this would be for the best. :thumbsup:

Edit: Didn’t take long for me to be proven right either. Multiplayer Idea

If you want medieval battlefield I would recommend war of the roses, I like that one very much.

I think that the possibilities of large scale multi-player battles with realistic battle systems sounds good. But the thing is you can’t just make the game for single-player and put multi-player in it afterwards… The systems needs to be refined for this, else we’re going to see a lack of performance due the the programming of the game which is not optimized for handling PVP combat.

But as I’ve said, War of the Roses does a great job imo.

Guys, it’s so simple:

There is one pie called budget. You can either spend all the money for a SP game. Or you could split it up to also make some MP elements. But that way there would be less money for SP. Because there is still only one pie.

Most people here just want all the money to be invested in SP to make that the best possible experience. There is no reasonable argument which could deny that fact, it’s just blah, blah “But I want MP, dammit”…

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What makes me shake my head are the people - and I’ve seen them - who REFUSE to play a game unless it’s MP. My preference is a well-crafted SP story but I’ll try MP if I’m interested enough (GTAV, for example). Inevitably, I never play MP games enough to get good enough for it to be worth sticking through and dealing with the people who know every last detail of a game because that’s all they do.

If someone is MP-only, how many solid SP games are they missing out on because they won’t even try them? Their loss, I guess.


I don’t see why this game cannot be both multi and single. The team should just make the outstanding sp they are making and then later on add multiplayer, Multiplayer would get this game a lot more popular because people could make clans and fight other clans and make a massive community, Adding multiplayer should have no effect on SP. The people that are complaining that they invested in a SP game sound kind of dumb because thats what you are going to get, but also a whole new asset to the game that countless others will enoy!

I’ve always liked the concept of guilds and team battles and what not… but this isn’t an MMO…and its not even really a sandbox game. Theres an open world yes…but the character and the storyline are already set.

Although I’m a staunch supporter of Tournament MP…and that would even be cool to have teams and guilds that compete in tourneys. But open world MP seems pretty out of the question.

Remember their focus at the moment is the technology. However, it is very possible, and perhaps even probable that as they begin to conclude their primary purpose and goal that the engine will be turned towards multiplayer. I am fairly confident that the masses of MP fans arent crying out for the feature because they want to be Bavarian knights in KCD, but rather they simply want to be knights. Especially with star citizens help, the odds of the engine being converted at some point into multiplayer in some form or shape is in my opinion a foregone conclusion. This game will establish the genre, addons or other games entirely will expand upon it.

I’m with you man! Solid Singleplayer is something missing these last years…

Multiplayer: Do it like Neverwinter Nights or Baldur’s Gate. Nuff said.

Just don’t do any multiplayer. Nuff said.

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Ohh man, you’re so stupid.

No, there is no stupid in saying people are tired of tacked on MP just because people like you demand.

MP can fuck off as far as I am concerned.

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To want only SP is selfish. Especially since this kind of MP has nothing to do with SP, cannot interfere at all.

Selfish? Dude, just because I have different tastes in gaming doesn’t mean I’m more selfish than you or anyone else here. And of course MP does interfere with SP: Warhorse had to put money, time and skill into making a decent MP part which is imo better spent elsewhere and which will probably diminish the quality of the SP because of limited budgets. That’s just a reality of game development. Warhorse is not Ubisoft with 1000 people and more working on a game…

But your whole argument is pointless from the very beginning. Every game has a certain vision and concept. Is it selfish if I think that a soccer game shouldn’t offer a baseball experience as well? Hell no, it’s just a soccer game and the developers want to create a specific experience.


Then I suppose the people making the game are selfish.

If you want a MP game in this kind of setting, go make your own game.

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