My digital PS4 key says that it is no longer valid

Just heard back from the support:

Hello Maximilian, the code should work when the game is released. If it still doesn’t work please contact us again. Thank you for your patience.

Someone people can pre-download a some not ? Why ? Support told me, I must wait to release.

I got this answer from the support

Hello, thank you for your message and your support of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Please take a look at our Backer rewards page (link below), your questions should be answered there. Connecting your account isn´t possible yet, but it will be possible quite soon. You will receive an email with instructions before the release date. <<

same here, and PSN still doenst accept the code

Got same message from support. Key wasn’t working after I received message, but tried again a few hours later and it’s now working and downloading! Try again everyone!

wait for the release the key is not valid atm it seems

i didnt even get a PS4 Key… just booked me straight to pc, couldnt even choose

Back on November 14th I got an e-mail where I could choose the platform, and did. It also said this.

Damit… didnt get or see that one then… well, my bad

Past midnight now in Europe, and the code finally works :slight_smile:

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It really Works. 45,282GB

Works now in Australia as well. WOO!

my code still inactive!!! WTF?!?!?

same. In germany

Dont’ see Key at all. Wrote on support yesterday and no response yet.

Mine still doesn’t work. I’ve already written to support yesterday, no reply yet. Seems funny that even after supporting this years ago, anyone who just buys the game today gets to play it before the backers

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I was able to redeem mine around 13:00 CST yesterday in the US.

My key still not working. Guess I won’t be able to try this on launch day. I should learn never to back or preorder anymore.


@marlowe Amen.

the day has passed, and my code still doesn’t work. Im from colombia.