New Videoupdate 12

Here is the new Videoupdate about Alpha 0.5 and the upcoming Beta in Q1 2016


Yes!!! I love this Video update. So many little details. Now I canĀ“t wait for betaā€¦
Will there be a Video update before beta?

Good work, Warhorse!!!


Well worth the wait. Best videoupdate so far. Dans dog is to damn cute.
Also will there be an artbook avadible later on?


Oh my, well thats definitely best update so far, no doubts about that.
DanĀ“s english and overall presentation looks much smoother when he has some script, seems much more professional :blush:
And presentation of all new and future features was just spot-on, exactly enough to tease us in the best possible way, canĀ“t wait for beta. Really nice job here.


really? it seems like vicious ugly beast to me.

Love the concept art manā€¦ canā€™t wait to get my hands on the official art book :smile:

Video was pretty short comparatively to previous updates though, but I put that down to the improved script and general flow or presentation style. So thatā€™s definitely a positive take away. Was very professional!

Nice to hear from Viktor as well. Even if it was only briefly regarding the crime and punishment system.

How sweet does that logo look btw (around 5:02) wow

Weather effects are looking amazing, and I really enjoyed seeing the new proprietary 3D test scan captures. The detail is going to be incredible.

Finallyā€¦ was great to hear about the beta, and what we can expect from that. Seriously canā€™t wait guys.

Well done @warhorse team!!! :horse:


Not that I want to tease you or anything, but you havenā€™t seen the half of it :smile:. You are up for a treat.


No way! Danā€™s dog is just sweet! First time it appeared in the Kickstarter pitch, or one of the first updates, if I recall correctly. It was cute then, and it still is!


Well I am not a dog person, so every other dog is vicious ugly beast according my standards. (though some are less vicious than others and vice versa))

Yeah, look att that vicious ugly beast! :innocent:

Butā€¦anyway back to topicā€¦Great video with good quality and canā€™t wait for the beta!

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Oh crap, canĀ“t imagine weather being even betterā€¦
I was seriously blown away when I saw that puddle of water gradially increasing as it was raining, really nice detailā€¦ how does these puddles work, are they in predetermined places, or is it somehow modelled?

The video was really worth the wait! Great stuff and a lot of new featuresā€¦ I wonder will the inventory system and UI be the same in the final game as it is now? Is it a basic version which will be updated, a placeholder, or even near final version? (I find it quite good albeit a bit too console centric atm).

Inventory system will be definitely different.

Game material and video looks very awesome. Good job Warhorse Studios. (Now I cant wait to play this masterpiece)

@ProkyBrambora, @DrFusselpulli

Would you be so kind to translate the map description(from the video at 1:07min)?
I think, I have figured out the most stuff, but a little help would be nice! :grinning:

I love it (the features, the grafic)!!! :smile:

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okey dokey
From the top:

  • Shoemaker
  • Fisherman
  • Food sale / merchants / farmer
  • Hunter / bow teacher
  • Herbwoman / herbalist
  • Honest mill
  • Thiefing mill
  • Stables / horse sale / riding teacher
  • Carpenter
  • Tanner

and this little bit on top

is a Physician


Wow, that was a great video update. Nothing but fantastic news there, especially the ā€œā€¦despite what I said before, it looks like we will also have polearmsā€¦ā€ Man, that is seriously fantastic. Nice to see thereā€™ll be polearms in this game in Act 1, before that was the only thing worrying me about the game.


Thanks for the update :smile:, keep up the good work.

Canā€™t wait to play the beta and try to beat down a guy with the shield if this is possible.

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