Now it is just a topic about nomads battle equipment.
Ah… okay. Mixed that up. Sorry
But do you know what in my opinion are kypchaks missing?
No, i have no idea. Just tell me.
While walking among the kypchaks’ camp, I felt that they are missing this armor.
It is called kuyak. And it is basically a lammellar brigantine. Can’t say if it is historically correct.
Good question, unfortunately I don´t know either.
And just to make sure: Do you speak Russian?
No, unfortunately not.
So, back to kuyak. I personally, think that it is somewhat accurate.
There is some good pictures for Polovtsy the 13th century, and Tartars 14-15 centuries.
Armor type brigantine … there are some moments. But I can say more a little later - busy now.
Ive picked up some Russian from being cursed at in Warthunder.
“Cyka Blyat”
That are much more curses… Much more…
If they have lived in modern day Hungary at 1403, their armour might have been similar to western armour. Armour from Italy was exported until Greece, as well as the Baltic States and in modern day Czech western armour was used for sure. But no idea about your kychaks stuff
Well in 1403 polostvians/kypchaks lived in Kunśag region. In XIII century they preserved their nomadic lifestyle and culture. But by XV century they were practically assimilated, not very much was left of their culture, they have abandoned their nomadic lifestyle and their language was superseded by Hungarian. So, it is really hard to equip them.
Eastern-style lammellar armors were still in widespread use as they were far cheaper to manufacture than Western-style plate armors. The neighboring Byzantines used lamellar armor, especially among their mounted Cataphractos, who were pretty much domesticated nomads along the lines of the Cuman/Kipchaks. The Cumans would have their own smiths and armorers because of their style of warfare -You won’t see Cumans fielding ranks of pikemen because that runs against centuries of cultural warfare. Attila attempted to adopt the war doctrines of Rome but could not field armies equal to the Romans because he was raised a nomadic cavalryman and learning radical doctrines sometimes takes generations, as it took for Romano-Britons, who never equaled the Romans.
In that time, the Cumans could easily open trade with the Kievan Rus, who still produced and used armor and equipment little different than employed by the Cuman warriors and they also has trade from the various Eastern Khanates, who would be using the same equipment through the 20th century.
Вряд ли у половцев могли после более чем 150 лет прибывания в Куншаге сохраниться технологии производства их доспехов. На поле боя они скорее никак не отличались от венгров.
Why not? They had been producing the same equipment for nearly a thousand years…And I don’t speak much Russian -My grandmother immigrated from Ukraine and what little I know comes from her…mostly delicious food.
So, your native language is Ukrainian?
But even 150 years in Alföld, living side by side with other people was enough to change polovstians into hungarians.
In tribal cultures, 150 years is nothing. The Cuman warlords were autonomous in Bohemia until the 18th century, when the Turks invaded and wiped out many of their settlement; After that, Hungarians were allowed to move into the depopulated areas.
No, my native language in English. I live in Hawaii, where 60% of the population is Asian, so I understand Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Hawaiian and Samoan. My father spoke Hawaiian, French and Spanish.
XIV century.
I totally forgot about that! Population of Kunság decreased by 55-60 percent, because of the wars with Osman Empire. So, hungarians started to settle in Kunság and polovstians were assimilated by XVII century.