Our biggest concerns

My biggest concern is that my actions will not matter in the main Story. If I do many skirmishes early and kill a lot of Soldiers then the Big Battle should be a bit smaller on my enemies side. Just small things like this which make the experience so much greater…

Good shout on Mike Loades, he knows his stuff and his hands-on approach is refreshing.

If there will be Polish people in the game; giving russian accents to them will be so insulting I’ll kill the devs.

I can just imagine him getting the Devs on the Combat System to belt the hell out of each other with many different weapons in a controlled environment to try to get across the visceral nature of it. I think doing things like that with DEV’s is important because it gives them context, and means they relate to the subject matter and in turn and relay that to the Gamer.

Could there be a backer who has “the voice”?

I agree. Some of the ideas on here go a little to far with the whole “authentic” theme of the game. Im excited for this game, and the thing I hope for is alpha or beta on the ps4.

Ah I didn’t know that they had confirmed hunger. That makes me happy.

I like those elements but the eating and drinking thing gets very tedious in most games and can often be very annoying.

Yeah I know its a game mechanic that isn’t for everyone. But I’ve never really liked games with food and cooking that didn’t really serve a purpose because potions and healing spells were always more effective regenerative items.

I imagine this could easily solved by making it a menu option like New Vegas.

We Czechs feel the same in most cases and it is natural. The fact remains that my own accent was judged as Russian when I first went to the U.S. and even if the devs use proper Czech and Polish accents for some characters, you will still be reading comments by folk from other continent about how the “Russian” accents were stupid/cool. Cannot be helped, brace yourself. After all I cannot really distinguish Texan accent from the rest of the U.S. and some Americans may be insulted by my faulty judgement. :wink:


As long as Polish and Czechs recognize their accents than I am happy, opinion from other nationalities don’t matter to me. In UK people mistake me for a Russian from time to time. But this game being made in Czech, should make it easy to acquire voice overs.

It’s a lot like normal American English only with a lot of y’all thrown in and spoken like someone trying to imitate the sound a crow makes.

what indicator? if you slash some guy in the arm, doesn’t matter if sword is full or sharp, he’s going to recoil.

awesome post. i agree. this is warhorse’s game. and people honestly need to read about this game more. i see people asking for things already confirmed by warhorse dozens of times.

Seconded. If most of the people here spent less time writing and more time reading what has been already published and explained about the game (on Warhorse blog, KS page and all the KS updates) and seriously thinking about what they have read, the spam on this forum could get reduced by a half.

Anyway. My concern is for some of the Warhorse developers’ heads not to eventually go boom from just taking too much of the stuff that’s going on around here. :smiley:

I’m worried about world can be “static”… let me explain: in the live stream we see a stable burnt down by someone for x reason, if I came back to the stable will I see worker that try to fix it? like remove ruins, build scaffolding and maybe a chance to see the stable fixed with new horses? will be the same after castle seige? I realy hope that npcs interact to world like they would do in the real one

you sir have a good point, I think it would be interesting to chain a fight back and fourth, with the pressure of messing up … well… twice for us :stuck_out_tongue: but only once for him. combined with their current combat system and maybe a more immersive defensive system woud be great. now that’s my greatest fear, that this wont be implemented

Every fricking time some people watch that gameplay with sound and subtitles off. I don’t understand how else it could be possible that they don’t hear. “Rigth now this guy is quite tougth. It doesnt demonstrate you the difficulty of the game.” They obviously wanted to show moves and physics so opponent had high amount of health and player was in god mode to make combat last long.

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That’s why we have often multiple versions of the same threads.
An exponentially growing annoyance.

I’m also concerned that uninformed people will come here (there seem to be a lot of them) and demand things which the game was never about. Like having The Sims in medieval times, playing king, build castles, beget a bunch of children and other nonsense. I don’t think Warhorse will implemented such bullshit but as some guy stated further above, idiotic people will appear and start to spam the forums or other places with their ridiculous “ideas” which could lead to the impression that the majority of players want this crap. And maybe then Warhorse considers to incorporate such garbage. As a result of this, they would have too much to do, can’t keep their carefully planned goals and time schedule and the game would be some half-assed run-of-the-mill RPG/The Sims mix upon release. Realism and authenticity, once announced, would then be nowhere to be found. That’s what I’m afraid of. :frowning:

Guys and girls @warhorse, I know, you are very experienced in developing games. Difference this time, I think, is that players can give input while the game is in the making. Unfortunately, there are many people out there demanding silly things to be implemented which contradict what you announced the game to be about. In contrast to you, they don’t know any better. I really trust you but just in case, I just have this to get off my chest: please don’t give in, please don’t deviate. Keep true to your vision and your thoroughly laid out roadmap and all will be fine. :slight_smile:

(I hope it doesn’t sound imperious or arrogant or something)


Names pls?


If I look at the the earlier games the main devs worked on I see a few things in common; 1 cool games, 2 buggy as hell (exept mafia 2)

I hope they can deliver a polished product.