Our biggest concerns

My biggest concern is similar to a few above. That the developers might change their initial path becuase of complaints (just keep in mind that we funded it because of what we seen in the concepts ;)) In-depth I’m pretty much afraid of so-called “balancing” where weapons and weapon wielding is ahistorically changed to please players. Maybe a historical/arcade switch in the menu could solve this? Or any other problem like “realistic needs”/“just bring 'em on” and such. Or non of this is neccessary if the modding can be done extensively and somewhat easily (supported by and SDK or such), which brings on my second biggest concern: I hope the modability is still planned (just wondering because of the PS and Xbox version) and will work out fine.

I’m hoping the modding community is really embraced by the devs. You can see on the Skyrim and Oblivion nexus the huge variety of addons and immersion it can offer so it’d be good to see devs offering support to the modding community and learning from it as to what people want in the game.

The thing is, there is an awful lot of misconceptions. Swords don’t cut through plate and mail, they bludgeon or Hemorrhage opponents and give them internal injuries or break bones and cripple. The misconception is that a sword would slice through comes from people not thinking about it physics of it, a Longsword on flesh is different to hitting a curaiss. Crippling an opponent and putting the “coup de grace” on them would more be a case of crippling them until they couldn’t defend themselves and then going for a weakspot.

Hence Maces, Hammers, etc were very effective in literally bludgeoning the enemy and crippling them. A good hit on a Shield will break your opponents Arm and leave them defenseless.

Saying Weapons need to be realistic, is just he same as in other games. Examples where Players can fire things like the Barrett 0.50cal from the Hip or can miraculously shrug off bullets and hits if they duck behind a wall for 10 seconds, it simply doesn’t float my boat, hence why I don’t like CoD and all that ilk. I like realism, hence why I backed this, you cannot be pissed off with a game whose “Raison d’etre” is realism and want it be more Arcade, you are kind of missing the point of the game?

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CryEngine is not known for its innovative and wonderful AI (despite their tech video claims), this is my greatest fear. I want ai that adapt and react to circumstances, ai that have different personalities and backgrounds. AI that are challenging, but not invincible. I want to be able to kill the ‘bosses’ a thousand different ways depending on how creative I am, but still have a difficult time doing it and end up dead most of the time anyway.

I want people to watch kickstarter videoupdates…

… and read the FAQs!


Have no fear, just watch the videos. :stuck_out_tongue:

Who claims that? Crytek or Warhorse in one of their videos?

darth=another person with a big mouth and hasn’t watched or read much about the game :smile:

so many of these issues have been addressed by warhorse already.

That the game world would not have some fun elements when traveling around


@213 I’ve watched most of the videos, but I missed Video Update#5 apparently. Assuages some fears, but I’m still not impressed yet, though I’m not worried about it as much now.

Eerr, I undestand your point and accept it, but where did I want to become arcade? If the historically accurate thing is that sword is pretty much uneffective agasint full plate I accpet that, what I was saying that I hope they won’t change things all the way because some people want to use “A” or “B” weapon and claim that it is overpowered. My example with war of the roses was just a coincidense with historical facts, but as far as I know it wasnt changed because of accuracy it was changed because it was deemed overpowered (even if Im wrong with this I hope you get my point :))

Solidus, I read your previous post and you suggested a switch for “maybe a historical/arcade switch in the menu could solve this?”. I did paraphrase and interpret your question slightly as being a suggestion of Arcade, if I’ve taken mis-construed your point I apologize.

Your other points above are valid, on people claiming weapons as OP, I think clever or accurate balancing is required, e.g everything has an Advantage and Disadvantage, Daggers are very good up close, Polearms good at range, Axes / hammers are good at breaking Shields and causing Hemorrhage or breaking of limbs, Swords less so, but much swifter to wield.

Well I for sure am expecting a graphically advanced game with an immersive story, well developed characters with good voice acting, to be honest the voice acting in the demo was hilariously BAD, a lot of gore, nudity, smart AI, tough difficulty. Something that rivals and even exceeds The Witcher 2 on Hard difficulty. I don’t want any handholding, leave that crap for Skyrim

My biggest concern is that the developers will change their primary ideas of the game because of pressure from us the backers.

I think that this game seems perfect as it is! and i would hate for it to warp into something different!

Just my concerns.