My first choice (if it ever becomes a choice) is to make hud elements optional. If the designers decided to remove quest markers altogether, then I would certainly hope there’s ample information in the game to point me toward the quest destination. You wouldn’t, after all, tell someone “fetch the furznitz in Upper East Neverfindington” without giving them a map, directions (and a way to jot those down), or point them to someone who can direct them on their journey (or towards the next person who can continue them on their journey). I have played a game (maybe games) where the destination is stated in the quest, but then you only find the place through blind exploration. Most people throughout history have not lived as explorers of the physical world. We tend to stick to places we’re familiar with and, when traveling, like to have an idea where we’re going, beyond “it’s that-a-way”.
Sorry if that came off a little harsh towards those who favor the “hardcore” option - I don’t mean it to be. I certainly would like for you to be able to play it your way, but would hope that doesn’t preclude me from playing it my way.