Please make random roaming bandits in forests

Will do - thank you

I have never encountered a wild boar. The only time I saw one was in the Sir Capon hunt quest. I even have a quest to skin some. I’ve discovered a wild boar hunting spot near the Rattay Executioner’s house but there are never any there. Do they unlock after a certain quest?

don’t know about unlocking. there’s at least one wildboar hunting ground. have to double check but think SW corner (?). seen them on forested paths (not paths/roads next to open fields). came across 2 at once on loop NW of Rattay. they’re less common than deer but they are around. that said, their attacks are too mild even for a (very) low level Henry

There are boars in that area, I’ve killed a few. They seem to roam a lot further than hare and deer do and seem a lot more skittish too.

I have encountered both poachers and game keepers (hunting poachers) in the wilderness, so they do exist. not sure if they stay at a few predetermined areas or wander, or both.

As far as I know, the poachers have their on “camp” - a tent, sometimes even less. Usually they are nearby. Could attack you on his on will

Or also just run around visiting from camp to camp. They are easy to find on the map, just look for the map areas with smoke on the inventory map.

I agree we need just a few more bandits in the woods
 I’ve seen the mods for these sort of things and there great but the problem with mods is the mod developers always get carried away with adding other unrealistic things that you can’t switch off

Sorry, but what retarder bandit would look for his victim in the middle of the forest
or even roam throught it? Why shouldn’t he simpy wait by the road (as they are doing now) :wink:

Only ambushes on traders, only hardcore. :sunglasses: