Please rework manual saving

The beginning is definitely frustrating and dangerous. However almost 30hours in I can say it’s worth it. The head ache was probably gone after 20 hours.

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There probably should be two options one with the quick save and one the current state… It is indeed a problem if you need to quit the game quickly.

Anyway I completely understand the devs. why they made it like that. Quick save gonna ruin the game. It is gonna be completely different game.


If you don’t have patience and rather use traditional saving, there’s a mod for this. Basically you can save anytime and anywhere you want. Use this until or whenever or If the devs roll out an overhauled saving system.

Actually the developers marketed the fact that this game can be saved only by sleeping or using saveour schnapps. It was marketed both in one of the steam videos and it was mentioned several times during the development.

Also yea… your ad hominem attacks calling those who disagree children is very adult… sure…

The solution is simple: They just have to add a save when quitting the game.
That way you can’t “cheat” save, but when real life calls you can just quit the game in which case it will save, and you can pick up later where you left.


And thats what they are going to do:

I love the system , and there are many dumb down games outthere , can we have atleast 1 game that is lsighty more diffucult, i mean those potions are cheap

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I think you’ll find most people are put off because they’re not all that easy in the starting two areas and it can be VERY intimidating to new players.

Dark Souls, while fun as hell still had a better quality of life system for all of it’s frustrating backtracking when you died.

You’re confusing “More Difficult” with “More Frustrating.”. Difficulty is more or less subjective here. I saw so many videos of people struggling with combat and even before I wanted to cheese it in the beginning and get some easy few points in combat it was only ever a struggle of it’s flow yet I still hear complaints about how heavy it is, how difficult it is just to move around.

Same with lockpicking, even as it’s still a sliver of frustrating It’s just a matter of patience yet you’d swear they implemented the worst concept. I won’t shit on people who dislike it and I certainly won’t run the “git gud” route as that’s hardly helpful to a start-up company just getting it’s first legs.

Remember: THIS is the game they establish their base on. They need a lot more than 500,000 sold if they want to expand especially when typically you’re lucky if you keep HALF of that… even when the game is awesome.

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This is a good thing

Its your own fking fault for not preparing for a mission. For not keeping an eye on your inventory fuck me it isnt hard you bunch of damn right lazy ***holes

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Lockingpicking is easy. Fk me sorry you cant be bothered to practice and get the hang of it and yes im on console which is supposed to be ‘harder’ you whiny little bitches are going to ruin this great niche game into a boring casual skyrim with no consequences to you actions. You can argue all you want but your just god damn lazy to keep an eye on food levels etc, to learn the craft of lockpicking(easy af) to make sure you have your snapps which btw money is easy af to get ingame and only an ignorant lazy ass would complain about. Sorry its so hard for you to make sure you have a few before going out into the world…

So we’re “whiny little bitches” for wanting to experience a game differently than you?
An option completely separate from the one you are playing would somehow change the the way you play and make things worse?
We are asking Warhorse to add in options to make the game more accessable for people who love the world, but maybe not as much the difficulty, or just want to explore the different outcomes freely.
We aren’t asking them to alter your version of the game.
Just add an extra version for us. I don’t see why that would be so painful for you when it wouldn’t affect you in any way.

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Yes you are simple as. Go find another game instead of trying to change a game that already released and that you maybe should of had a look at its features before even buying the game. Sorry your too lazy for that. Sorry your too lazy to take soms time to practice certain features of this game. Sorry you cant be arsed to learn by your mistakes . Sorry you cant be bothered to keep track of resources. Sorry you cant be to manage your time irl before going into a game. Sorry people like you want to jump into a game for a ‘quick’ 10 minutes. Sorry this isnt skyrim

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this forum website be glitchy. I responded to someone else’s post, and it threw my reply elsewhere.

I backed the game in its kickstarter, so no, I didn’t get to see the game before buying it. And again, we aren’t asking to take away your challenging game, just add in an easier option for other people.
It’s simply the reverse of when Fallout 4 added in survival mode for those who wanted a greater challenge. Instead, we would just like an easier mode for us who want less of a challenge.

Dont give that bs i backed the game. Im talking about looking online maybe. Checking the odd youtube video. Sorry You blindly backed a game without knowing there intentions.

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And how long did it take after the games release for them to add survival mode? This game had survival in mind from the start but sorry you wanted it the other way round

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I didn’t want to spoil the game for myself, so I decided not to watch the trailers. I knew they were aiming for realism, but pretty much every open-world game has a normal saving function, which is what I assumed this would have.
I’m not saying Warhorse were wrong for going in this direction. I know a lot of people enjoy this feature, which is why I’m not saying it should be replaced.
More options in games are always good, as it allows the most number of people to enjoy them.
I’m sorry that me trying to make the game the best it can be for everyone is causing your cholesterol levels to shoot through the roof.

Then thats your fault lmfao didnt you even bother to look at any notes? The developer said right out they wanted a save system that wouldnt be abused (I’ll say again) SO YOU FEEL CONSEQUENCES TO YOUR ACTIONS

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And again how many people said this wasnt going to be a game for everyone. But now your all trying to make it one that caters to everyone. Why? Because you spit your dummy out and cant be bothered to take certain features into account while gaming?

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