I have a real problem with autosave-only. The problem is when you hit a difficulty spike (like a particularly tough fight), possibly preceded by an unskippable cutscene (the horror!). You will almost certainly die several times before you learn how to overcome the obstacle - and that means replaying all the stuff between the last autosave and the start of the actual fight over and over again. I inevitably end up zooming through the same content that I’ve already covered 5 minutes earlier, which is a huge immersion-breaker in any game (not to mention, entirely unrealistic). Please give me the option to save right before a fight and spare me the tedium of replaying lengthy sections of the game over and over.
That said, I do like the gamification option, as it gives you some incentive not to load for every minor sub-optimal outcome. I’m sure not everyone would agree, though - some people get quite obsessive about collecting the maximum amount of XP from everything.