Poll: What should be our next stretch goal? What about 3rd person camera?

We all know 3rd person view won’t cost 400 000$ and I wasn’t saying that they should add something that costs 400 000$, you obviously didn’t get the point I was trying to make.

This is the point I was trying to make, why lose some development time and money on a 3rd person view option when they could be working on the core features, making them better, etc. There are a bunch of things that are way more important than 3rd person view(something that wasn’t even supposed to be in the game).

Alright, then I misunderstood. Sorry for that, I do agree with you there.
Then the argument should be:
Do we need new stretchgoals in the first place? Or wouldn’t it be better to have none, but add features when warhorse sees them fitting in and beneficial for the game.

But as it looks at the moment there will be more coming, so I would think having easy ones would be better. That was what I intended to point out.

No worries mate. Actually, I should be the one apologizing 'cuz I just read my post again and now I understand why you didn’t get it. hehe It was super late when I wrote that, sorry. :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed. Honestly, I think they shouldn’t add new stretch goals well at least not until the core features are good and ready then if they wanna add new stuff that they think will make the game better well I say go for it as long as they don’t push back the release date to 2020. hehe

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I love the idea of first person, and it would be cool but at the same time it would take away from so much such as a restricted field of view because of a helmet or something like that. So, I would not mind, but that is just my opinion.

What do you all think of This?

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Would be great, another thing I was going to add was blood splatter and things like that on the visor and in your eyes, Things like that and what was mentioned in that post are great ideas.

Another thing I would like would be the Character Creation just to mess around with.

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This! Very much this! It would take some distraction off them, while they still could add features when appropriate at any time they see opportunities to do so.

very interesting, if done properly (realistic, not over the top) then even absolutely amazing.


Having the option for third person perspective is a fantastic idea. While I can appreciate the reasoning for first person point of view, there have been many times over the years that I have felt it did a disservice to both the gameplay and the characters that were being portrayed.

So far the first person views shown in KC videos have been great, with appropriate weight appearing behind the slash of a sword and the right feel given to drawing a bow in the animations. But it’s obvious that the development team are aiming for the cinematic experience as well and at these times, third person is the way to go.

I would happily use both views but my gaming preference on other titles is on third person so having this option would be perfect to cater to everyone’s individual style. You have a yes vote from me.

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Sorry, but that’s just bullshit.

3rd person isn’t more “cinematic” than 1st person in any way. And then again, what is the omnious “cinematic experience”?

This thread is just making me decide to not have 3rd person mode. At all.
To me, its not realistic.
To others its the same thing or other reasons.
This thread is such a big debate lol.

Where is the poll in which we can vote on whether we want everything in 1st person perspective?

I would rather have a full 1st person experience (which includes cutscenes and dialogues and stuff) than a “1st/3rd person jumble brainfuck”…

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (among other games) impressively showed how to treat 1st person right. It also showed that you don’t need 3rd person for emotional storytelling. 1st person is a unique strength of video games. Why not using it’s full potential? (Oh, and on a side note: you can forget VR and the Oculus and stuff with this new direction. The Oculus would already suck badly with the 3rd person “cinematic” dialogues and cutscenes right now but it doesn’t get better…)

I really rather have a “full 1st person experience stetch goal” for 2.5M than what is proposed here. I’d vote on that…

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How about instead of making 3rd person, do something with 1st person. Like, if you wore a helmet your sight would be different.


I agree with all of you have said with one exception:

You need montage for storytelling of any kind but the most elementary story.

Scripted cutscenes are also possible in 1st person. The point is that you don’t need 3rd person for that, not that you shouldn’t use cutscenes or scripted passages at all. :wink:

For example in CoD all cutscenes are in 1st person as well. In Modern Warfare 2 you as Roach get shot and burnt in 1st person.

Here are two 1st person cutscenes which show what I mean:

And you tell me that you need 3rd person for emotional (or cinematic) storytelling? :wink:


Not sure if you mean new features in first person, but if you mean generally a poll about whether have something in first person or third I think we don’t need a poll as it will already be and stay a full first person experience as stated here:

Reminds me of war of the roses and I loved that feature sooooo much. Simply beautiful!

Absolutely! Thinking about War of the Roses again (sorry) when you go down someone could execute you which was amazing to see from first person view. Didn’t mind dying at all because it was fascinating every time…

[Edit:] Found a good example:


That’s fine. One of the most memorable of such scenes was seen in first Half-Life in the moment of captivity. I don’t doubt it is possible to tell a game story in first person only.

I just argue that the story would be inevitably rather an elemental one (like in Half-Life or CoD) and that you would dramatically limit your means of expression. It would be for example utterly difficult to build the suspense in first person view only. You can use sound of course but still, utterly difficult. Why? Because “montage” (which means editing) and the composition of a shot is the single most important and powerful instrument of the visual narrative.

(It would be also extremely difficult to narrate the passage of time in first person only. You have two ways to do it - some character could give the information about the time passed to your character and therefore to the player or there could be “subtitle” used. Both those ways are outdated.)

But I agree it would be interesting to play such game if made properly.

No, it won’t. Cutscenes and dialogues are not in first person. So it’s not a “full” first person experience like Dark Messiah or CoD or Half Life or Metro or whatever other “full” first person game.

I mean that was clear from the beginning, no question. But now we talk about 3rd person so it’s only fair to talk about a “full” first person experience as well imho…

Ah I see! Yep, definitely would be nice.

I think we have to agree to disagree here. I think that montage is possible in both first person and third person perspective. You can also compose the scenery very carefully and emotionally engaging in first person, you just have another angle and a closer perspective. The emotional impact though can be even much stronger if you experience everything “first handed”. I think what you mean is that you can’t make “scenery shots” or stuff that isn’t about your own character. You’re right. A first person experience is always centered around the player character. Of course you can’t see two people talking to each other a few kilometers away or even in the next room when the door is closed. You only have the information your own character could get by himself. That changes how you have to tell a story, but it doesn’t limit storytelling in general. It’s just another flavor, a way more personal take on storytelling. It’s quite similar to literature and 1st person and 3rd person perspective there. Or do you want to tell me that 1st person in literature isn’t capable of delivering engaging and well done storytelling?

Don’t get me wrong. I love 3rd person games and I love 3rd person cinematics. But every experience should be consistent to be immersive. If the game is meant as a first person experience everything should cater to that vision. In that case I’m not only the “observer” but actually the character himself. I play and see the world through his eyes and if I do so I want to do it ALL THE TIME and not only here and there. I couldn’t think of a bigger immersion breaker actually than being forced to change from character to observer all the time. I even think that this is a fundamental flaw in the design of KCD so far.