Q1 2016 is it time?

When the plan would be to release the game on 01.01.2016 we would say so. But we said its Q1 2016, and this from 01.01.2016 to 31.03.2016. :wink:
Yes, we are still in time.

It’s probably going to be 31.03.2016… isn’t it? If we’re lucky enough that it doesn’t get delayed… again.

in beta there will be something more than the 0.5 alpha?

Most of the game mechanics and the first quarter or so of the game including story if I remember corectly.

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Yes a Whole lot more for the full list of details please watch the most recent video update.

:slight_smile: I know i was being silly is all lol

Wow 167,094 views. So happy!

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The following is growing!

I knew the rest of the kingdom would eventually follow :smiley:

if you play the game as a criminal (that will most likely be the case with me), can you still participate in sieges and battles?

If you’re good at being a criminal, then you won’t get caught, and everything should proceed as normal. If you’re too good, and kill everyone, then the game won’t proceed at all and will be “broken.”

As for the topic, as mentioned above, the first quarter has only just started, and don’t be too surprised if either the beta, the game, or both end up being delayed again. The alternative to delays is releasing a buggy incomplete mess, so give me a delay over that any day.

[quote=“Aradiel, post:12, topic:25488, full:true”]
If you’re good at being a criminal, then you won’t get caught, and everything should proceed as normal. If you’re too good, and kill everyone, then the game won’t proceed at all and will be “broken.”[/quote]

I heard that before, about the game being “broken.” What exactly does that mean? I’m assuming some missions won’t be available if you were to wipe out an entire village or something

Well, you can probably kill some very important NPCs, which will be necessary to go through game, causing you to get stuck later in the story… and reloading previous save (which could be weeks ago) or restarting game altogether.

Maybe it will be taken care of somehow, but we will see

If you break the game you will be notified and the choice to continue or reload is yours.
There was a poll about it. You could also have immortal NPC like in Skyrim but people wanted total freedom.


If you kill “normal” peasant nothing changes, but if you kill a questgiver all his quests are not available.
The questgivers are not immortal.You can try this in the Alpha 0.5.

The ability to break the game could be fun or very frustrating. It is a silly thing to search for a questgiver, who has died by an accident, cuman or bear…

Ooh, I missed that one :)) Thats basically ideal solution

Everyone already answered what I meant by broken. I think it’s a good thing you can kill quest givers. It always annoyed me that you couldn’t in some games.

Right now, I don’t think people can die to Cumans. I had them come to the soldiers’ camp a few times, and they all seem to just stand around and be immortal and refuse to move or react when I attack them after the Cumans have been killed. I’m guessing that’s not final behavior.

Yes, in the Alpha 0.5 the cumans are focused on Henry, and do not attack anyone else. I hope they fix this in the Beta.

If you manage to trap the cumans to the soldier camp, the soldier react on the cumans after a while
and kill them. And correct, after this many soldiers are “disoriented” and immortal… another bug… :smile:

The Cumans definitely attack other people. I have had the Cumans go to the camp by luring them there myself, or by stealth killing one, which makes the other one run away and head straight for the camp. If they’re not focused on Henry, they will attack the soldiers.

That would make sense because NPCs can currently perceive only one thing at a time. They said it in live stream video for alpha 0.5