Romance Ending

I m really disapointed by the end of romance without new dialog or interaction with theresa, she is like random npc it’s awfull … that really break roleplaying … sad


Same here, really disapointing.

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Same here… I thought its a bug, but unfortunately, its working as intended…
There should be a possibility to either break the romance, or continue it. But behaving like nothing ever happened is poor…

she’s a bitch! :smiley:

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I have come to the conclusion that she’s just a whore lol

She’s used me for sex in the barn and now she’s acting like she doesn’t know me so she can move on to her next man to use and abuse. It’s the only way I can get my head around the way they’ve done this quest.

In all seriousness, I was and still am very disappointed with how this ended. It’s as if nothing ever happened, after all the work put into dating here, not the quest is over, it feels like a waste of time and totally immersion breaking. It’s such a shame as it should have carried on throughout the game, even later in the game when Henry meets people who know her, he doesn’t mention anything about the relationship they’ve formed.

Seems like a massive oversight by war horse to have done this and I hope they will change it later down the line


The developers are not happy with how the quest ends. Was already stated. But there were no time and money left IIRC. But as they know about our disapointment, I’m shure in future the quest will be continued.

Really hope so, it would be nice to have a continued romance throughout the game and not just as a small side quest.

#Henrydeserveslove :slight_smile:

ok, but what could have been done is surely some altered conversation options… for example “ask TEREZA for date” -> “Henry, you’re busy, but when you finish the service to Radzig, we meet again”… sort of