Romance/Love Interests?

I had a quick browse of the Forum and couldn’t really see any posts discussing whether or not romance will be available in-game.

Will there be certain NPC’s (female or male) that we as the player will be able to have romantic/sexual relations with? I remember seeing somewhere that nudity is apparently in game (correct me if I’m wrong) and seeing as the game is an RPG we should have the option for romance/sex in-game. This is a game for adults is it not and even Mount and Blade and Skyrim had somewhat of a (though rather poor) romance system. games like fable, The Witcher, and Dragon Age have all had romance/sexual encounters so is this also being considered in Deliverance?|

What do you think?


Not sure if that means romances/love interests in particular, but I’m guessing it does.

As for the nudity:

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Oh I must have misread the nudity part then. I also don’t remember mentioning sex/partners in that particular update. Thanks!

No trouble! And I for one wouldn’t mind having some romance options, as long as they’re done better than Skyrim! As you mentioned, the Skyrim system is a bit lacking.