Rotate head independent of the body?

I think thats a good idea, at least for combat. Out of combat, it might be better to use just one button for freelook like in Flashpoint, because the two button version would be a little confusing.

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Well it would be great for VR as they said count with Oculus Rift (though I have my doupts how much) and that has a head tracking.

@janfo, it seems the E key is used now to interact with the enviroment, but there would be no problem about take there another key. Maybe F for “fucking use this object!” or something like this.

@MegapixCZ, I am not sure if different controls on combat and “normal” would be more confusing than sticking with one solution. I am not sure about two buttons for “look left” and “look right” would be to confusing, especially because you directly see what happens if you press the button.

@Wenceslaus, yes VR as Oculus Rift would be the very best solution about this problem. Sadly VR is not very common, so only a very minor amount of the customers will have something like the Oculus, most will stuck with the system they own. So a keyboard solution would be useful.
I don´t know how it is about consoles, maybe the pads have enough buttons for a solution like this? Maybe the shoulder buttons?

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Yeah most people will stay with monitor probably, I only mentioned it as it is actually needed for proper VR feel IHMO.

I think that predefined keys like “Q” and “E” for look left and right would be indeed ideal… many people is used to them when palying tactical FPS for lean.

At consoles… I think that L1 and R1 button would be ideal.

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@Wenceslaus, yes. And they already need to program rotating heads, because NPCs will rotate their heads if you walk past them. Henry will use the same charactermodel as all the other NPCs, so head rotating will already in the game. It is only the question if there will be a control about it, and this don´t would be a difficult task I think. So I hope they can implement something like this.

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Henry had a childhood neck injury and as a result he cannot rotate his head.


I know for sure that Star Citizen (which also uses CryEngine) you can do this in the FPS mode if you have TrackIR.

Well, Q and E, are good in combat, when you want to quickly switch to the oponent, but would be confusing in first person out of combat, because your camera would suddenly jerk to the left or to the right. Thats why i think that freelook button is is ideal. I have never seen Q and E solution done in any FPS game, and i doubt it would look good.

So, as @Wenceslaus said, Q and E are often used to lean around a corner in FPS games, so it would be not such a great difference to other games.
Also: You don´t have to push the button in a non combat situation. And if you are doing it on accident, so what? Opps… pressed the wrong button, but does not matter, because you are not in a dangerous combat situation.

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So Henry won’t be able to turn his head by clicking a button, but depending on the context or situation he might be able to just turn his head. :smile:

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ohh… too pity. thereby this is not difficult to implement, you already have the ability to let him rotate his head, let him doing it by usercommand would be a job of an half an hour. :frowning:

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In fact it’s not as easy as you think it is, because this would be connected to many development departments like AI, Animations and stuff. But it’s mainly a design desission and right now it’s not considered! Maybe in future… who knows! :slight_smile:

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While we are on topic, I would like to see female katana-wielding main characters rotate their boats in third person, while she orders her wolf companion in her throne room to get her severed arm back from the dragon of Grünwald.
Did I miss something? :smiley:
(No offense, by the way, this was actually an interesting request, although I never quite felt the need of such feature.)

Na… I don´t ask about female katana ninjas or an awesome zombie unicorn companion with laser farts. As TobiTobsen, said, its mainly a design desission. I for myself would be happy to see this, even if the impact in gameplay is not sooo big, the work about it isn´t it neither. I didn´t see how it impact the AI, they will already will have the ability to rotate their heads and I don´t see how they have to change their behavior if the player do so. So, there also will be already an animation for this (which have to combined with camera movement of course, there is some small work). Maybe I am wrong, and it is more work than I think about but it is nevertheless not much work. On the other Hand, the impact on the gameplay would be nice, but not fundamental. So I can live with the design desission to not do so.

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So your also agains henry becoming a wereowl, that can rotate it’s head 270 degrees I persume. Too bad! A button to look back ( I think it commonly is on R) could be practical though. You know, in case you get chased by zombies and would like to know wether or not they have mounted unicorns and are about to charge you.

Nope, R is for reloading. Think about it, how do you want to kill the zombies, if you can´t reload your AK47? So R is a bad idea. Maybe an Ö or ß?

I am perfectly fine with Ö, i have it on my keyboard directly, although I thought it will be reserved for katana quickdraw!

Really want it? :о)


@DrFusselpulli you are absolutely right!

Sorry to hear they won’t implement your wonderful suggestion… it is surely not that hard to do and there are many ways to control this type of head movement with keyboard or mouse. Q and E can do the work - I consider a plain smooth movement to the side as long as you hold the key, not an instant 90 degree switch :smile:

The other way is to make a key (X for example) holdable and while you keep it pressed, Henry will rotate his head around in desired direction with the mouse movement. When you release the button, the camera will center smoothly. What a miss really if they don’t do it…


Yes, both are good ideas of free head rotations. And I also think about a fast but smooth movement, so you would get an Idea of where you look at.

As I think this not so difficult, I think it will be possible do make a mod about it later. :slight_smile:

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