Sandbox Options

Sandbox Indie games are the new hype. I have been looking through the forums, and your Youtube video’s to see if you mention this, and you don’t.

This game looks amazing, I’ve already bought the Baron pledge and am thinking of even upgrading to a higher tier.

I’d love the opportunity to purchase a house for sure within the cities in this world. What would make this game even better, build my own house, farm in a region such as the Alpha I settlement. I’d be able to cut down trees from the forest, gather the stuff I need. Build a farm, fish and do everything the NPCs can do. It would allow us to feel we own apart of the world we play in.

You are building a game that has real historical aspects, why not allow us to landmark our spot in the world and have something we call our own?

If you could also allow us to enable and disable the blur effect that would be awesome! :wink:


Not to sound overly negative or anything… but you might want to use the forums intuitive search function next time, prior to creating a ‘new’ topic. *By new… I mean that this notion in one way or another has been discussed at length, in numerous other threads… and the response is veritably always the same.

Welcome to the backers club though. But this idea of yours is more than likely one for the many modders out there. :smile:

I did search and could not find it. Please link me to a post similar to mine as I’d like to read what has been said and what WarHorse response was.

Sure thing, here’s a few that talk to the idea of building your own house / castle… Like I said, the search function is pretty intuitive, and you can read the varied threads and their associated responses below:

Links have been given, time needs to be taken and threads want to be closed… just like this one.

Don’t agree? PM me :smiley:
