Savior schnaps my ass

Savior schnaps was one of the worst decisions in this game… there should be atleast option to turn this feature off orr do autosave on quit otherwise loose of time

btw this is one huge [ - ] for this game


lets hope for the best :slight_smile:

they will add another save option probably save when exit


I hope so too.

Looks like WH are responding quickly. That’s cool.

I think the idea is clever, the Schnapps needs to be cheaper in store. (I have no idea how much schnapps costed in these times though).

You must be kidding, do some herbalistm and alchemy to create some pots. The higher alchemy the more pots you get out of it. I did 40 pots in 10-15 mins, don’t really need to think about where and when to save. You’re just lazy if you think it’s a huge -.


Agreed… Seriously, at worst, Saviour shnapps costs you a few groshen of herbs at the alchimist… Crafting it is really easy and you can resell it for up to 60 groshens (maybe some people buy even for more) to other merchants (not the alchimist) … You are a noob, OP.


You can find neetles for free and 5 units of Bellatona costs less than 5 groschen… so… the price for saviour shnapps if you CRAFT it is 5 grosehen + 5 minutes of your time.


From what I understand the save and quit feather will have a save file that will delete itself once you load it.

but if you are playing on the PC version of the game, go to the Nexus mod website and look for the “unlimited save mod” for the game. this mods allows you to save manually without the use of the schnapps, as if you were playing skyrim. Hopefully when or if consoles can get mods we can have this mod as well.

It’s so counterproductive to waste time just to be able to save.

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Pray tell: how do you – in your hyper testosterone, e-Peen wagging, and die hard purist wisdom – advise this frustrated player?

Can you explain to us inferior, non blow hard, under achievers how having an alternate, unlimited manual save option affects the difficulty in your game?

I never had problem with saving honestly. Yes sometime you can die after you made some progress or a long walk but unless you save often that can happen in other games too. Apart from real life circumstances were you have to leave the game immidiatly I dont really see the problem.

After said patch update, let’s just hope:
1.ppl don’t start encountering CTD upon loading said quick save/exit game. Or
2.experience any save game corruption from prior save game. Or that
3.such prior saves aren’t game days/weeks from the last quick save game…

Not only is it super easy to make, but if your rep is decent it’s cheap to buy. I have about 50 of them of which I mostly bought.

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Actually, this is only a problem if you’re playing a survival centric focused game like Dark Souls or the Long Dark. This is NEVER a problem in Skyrim/Fallout 4. Or any TES/Fallout franchise AAA title that I’ve ever played. Hell, this was never an issue with any of the majority of PC game simulation style games. Didn’t matter if it was city building series the likes of SimCity/Civilization, RTS build-fight strategy games like Starcraft/Medieval total war, simulation sandbox like Sims/Spore/Mindcraft, or business simulators like Capitalism, Farming Simulator, tycoon games etc.

Save games have NEVER been a game mechanic issue if they were designed/optimized for PC games. This has always been a console architecture design limitation feature.

PC gamers have been losing this flexibility and freedom from the achievement driven insanity that obsesses the console plaform. Devs like Rockstar have been historically successful porting GTA to both console and PC platforms. But at least the PC port was flexible enough to do workarounds. IMO GTA SA remains the best PC port to date for both performance and insane mod capability reasons. It wasn’t until just over a decade ago that industry devs like Bethesda started following Rockstar’s success, but to the detriment of the PC community. Bethesda in particular (after buying out Obsidian), went pro-console with mainstream titles like Fallout 3 /TES Morrowind. By Fallout 4, Bethesda had become 100% console centric given the sh#itty PC port PC gamers were stuck with.

That’s before factoring the stupid sleep/save survival feature that was 100% console centric. Frustrating because the majority of the PC/console fan base had been begging for for more realism/difficulty since New Vegas. So over the past decade, games like Mafia 2 (Varva’s homerun that made me buy #EpicFail Mafia 3) have increasingly become pro console platform design focused.

Yes, software gaming devs are in the business of making money for their companies. There are exponentially more console gamers v. PC gamers, so the billion dollar console market is where the money is. But the irony of AAA devs like Bethesda – having to DEPEND on PC modders to develop the very DLC for their console golden goose platform AND YET provide a sh#tty PC port to make them on–adds insult to injury. Both console and PC gamers funded Kickstarter, So I don’t see how WH is any different from treating the PC gaming community as second class citizens the way Bethesda increasingly has since Fallout 4.

Their proposed solution for requests to decouple the save game from an in game sleep/eat feature, is to release a quick exit/save game. Such a WIP update is risky, as it stands to potentially lose players hours of gaming progress by default of design. If they renege on their promise on mod support i.e. decide to indefinitely suspend release of mod tools for DLC, that will be the final deal breaker on this franchise for me.

Get skills and craft a lot of saviour schnapps… If you want everything to be given to you in a silver spoon, this game is not for you, k, bye.

Don’t need to. I’m on PC and installed the Unlimited Saves mod. Problem resolved.

That being said, have you read the Bugs forum lately? Noticed all the save game issues players who’re using the vanilla save system are having lately? :roll_eyes:

Nevertheless, drinking to “save” your adventures isn’t exactly creative… Rather needs a substitute such as writing in a journal nearest the bed or something.

I dont see why the vanilla saving system is NOT pro pc gamers. I’m playing with pc and I have modded in the past and I intend to mod this game too. Honestly the save system follows the concept of the game :slight_smile: