Saw Mill 15 characterssss

So will there be any sawmills? Im just curious of how they worked back then. Also an idea I had would be say a construction site in act 1 and in the rest of the acts it gets completed? Just a thought though.

But I am curious as to how they get a tree and turn it into a wood plank. I love the river sawmills but idk how common they were.

maybe you are looking for this?:

You know what!? :slight_smile: Big secret! There will be a construction site! :slight_smile: But I won’t tell you which! :slight_smile:


Waterwheel powered mills were common in areas with hills and natural springs that turned into streams and eventually rivers. Generally you want a fast flowing water source or you’ll need a mill-pond with flume to channel the water.

Bohemia is suitable for this owing to it’s hilly and even mountainous terrain. Flat lands such as the Low Countries and Northern Germany lacked this so they opted for windmills.

Here is a wind powered sawmill operating with a crankshaft, it’s not medieval but the principle (using a crankshaft) was already used in Roman times.

And another one showing the sawing process a bit clearer. Start at 7:50

Lol does it have medieval construction? funny reply lolol

Thanks for the info! Always wondered how those worked!

I suppose that building each and every trebuchet will be a construction site in its own right.

Here are some Czech sawmills:šské+muzeum+v+přírodě+-+pila&client=firefox-a&hs=ZbK&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1600&bih=708&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mi8MVcNZxvJQs5CEkA8&ved=0CC8QsAQ

My personal experience is that the old saw mill is EXTREMELY loud, I wonder how they will implement it into the game. You should not be able to hear anything apart from the machine.