The myth of arrow quivers on the back

Speaking of the Wenzel Bible, there is picture of bowmans wearing quiver and some sort of scabbard for bow (the one on the right side):

I think that the main problems arise because the protagonist fights on foot. A bow and quiver is the weapon of cavalry in Eastern Europe. Accordingly, they made ​​the most convenient for the cavalryand not for modern sports shooters. :slight_smile:
That problem is how to harmoniously combine historical realities and opportunities mechanics of the game, in my opinion.
Мені здається, що основні проблеми виникають тому що головний герой воює пішим. А лук і сагайдак це зброя кавалеристів в Східній Європі. Відповідно вони і зроблені максимально зручними для кавалеристів, а не для сучасних спортивних стрільців. :slight_smile:
Тобто проблема у тому як гармонійно поєднати історичні реалії та можливості механіки гри, як на мене. [quote=“Wenceslaus, post:41, topic:16224”]
Speaking of the Wenzel Bible, there is picture of bowmans wearing quiver and some sort of scabbard for bow (the one on the right side):
A wonderful example of horseman with a bow and quiver east. Thanks for the picture.
Чудовий приклад вершника з східним луком та сагайдаком. Дякую за малюнок.

I loved the original Witcher for that. In the process of designing the draw/sheath animations, somebody at some point must have hit the ‘Oh god, this is terrible!’ point … And instead of fixing it and relocating the swords to some reasonable part of body, they have Geralt grab the bloody thing by blade and the somehow fitting it on his back :smiley: Beautiful.

Thanks for the information, didn’t know that. But to me that sounds more like “archery for sports and as a leisure time activity” and not as something actually performed in combat situations and war. The Bohemian nobility at the time was known for their proud chivalry (along the lines of German and French regions) and no “knight in armour” would have chosen to fight with bows in battle.
As I said before, there is not even one source that proves that Sigismund crusaders which found their end in Nerkropolis had a serious amount of archers or crossbowmen with them. Sources indicate the opposite, that the core and vast majority of the crusader’s forces were melee fighters on horseback. There were some archers on horseback in the time, but mostly only in Hungary and most of them were people from majorities who were not part of the nobility.
I only wanted to say that archery in continental Europe wasn’t very popular at the time. Bow and arrow wasn’t recognized as a weapon befitted the knight’s rank and it was indeed a weapon which doesn’t honor the code of chivalry (which was quite common at 1400 in central Europe with France as the leading "knight’s culture"country). Archers were usually hired soldiers or peasants who couldn’t afford sword and armour and who were mostly only used as supporting troops if after all. Of course bow and arrow was used in castle defense, but again not by the nobility and “standing force” but by the guard and hired soldiers equipped by the landlord.

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Some did, rather like women’s handbags I believe there were many different styles and materials used.

I’m not convinced that there would have been an awful lot of legging it about for archers since it seems most formations of archers were deployed in a defensive capacity. I think if they’d needed to move in a hurry they’d drop any quiver, it wouldn’t just be any arrows bouncing out causing a problem, the quiver would surely just get in the way.

It’s not always that easy to make a clear difference to be honest…

Many ancient, medieval and mode modern quivers were indeed based on a shoulder strap. With a shoulder strap you can position the quiver however you want, either on the back with the quiver between your shoulders or on the side with the quiver besides your hip. It’s definitely possible (and very likely) that both positions of the quiver were used, but for different purposes. While a quiver besides your hip with easy to reach arrows is perfect for a combat or hunting situation it’s also very uncomfortable to walk or ride with a quiver on that position. To shove the quiver up between your shoulders results in a much better position to travel and to have more freedom of movement.

Ancient egyptians with quivers between the shoulders for traveling:

A chinese warrior on a painting from the 17th to 18th century with a quiver between the shoulders (the arrows on the back indicates it at least):

Ancient greek painting on pottery of an archer with a quiver on the hip in a combat encounter (note: the quiver is based on a strap-construction and not as a belt-construction which indiates different wearing positions of the quiver again):

Sioux Indian with a quiver between the shoulders for traveling in a painting from the 18th century:

To reflect the reality of different quiver positions in the game (depending whether you are in combat or travelling) Warhorse actually had to implement at least two different quiver positons and a system to automatically change the position depending on the current situation… :wink:

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Yes. Then make a practical division in the game.

  • Long bow - the weapon of farmers and hunters that can be used in the defense of the castle.
  • Crossbow - the basic weapon of the infantry, and the defense of the castle.
  • Composite bow with a quiver (cylindrical or flat) - weapons of individual riders and “hungarians” / “nomads”.
    In any case, the game with a big focus on historicity will be different from the classic RPG.

*Так. Тоді практичніше зробити розподіл в грі.

  • довгий лук - зброя селян та мисливців, що також може використовуватися при обороні замку.
  • арбалет - основна зброя піхоти, та при обороні замку.
  • композитний лук з сагайдаком (циліндричним або пласким) - зброя окремих вершників, та “угорців”/“кочівників”.
    В будь-якому випадку, гра з великим акцентом на історичність буде відрізнятися від класичних РПГ.*

This is not true.
First, we consider Eastern Europe 14th.
Second, even if taken in a general Eurasia , the ancient Egypt and America fall .
In the ancient period used gorit-quiver

Later, it’s time for the bowcase and cylindrical quiver .

Then flat quiver replaced cylindrical quiver.

Example of China failed. There’s a classic set of flat quiver. It is a small and highly visual arrows sticking out .

Це не так.
По-перше, ми розглядаємо Східну Европу 14 ст.
По-друге, якщо навіть брати в загальному Евразію, то античний Египет та Америка відпадають.
В античний період використовували горити
Пізніше прийшов час комплектів з чохлом для луку та циліндричного сагайдака.
Далі плаский колчан витіснив циліндричний.
Приклад з Китаєм невдалий. Там класичний комплект з пласким сагайдаком. Він невеликий і стріли візуально високо стирчать.

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I agree. Bow weren`t as popular as in England and what you said about nobles is definetly true. But I simply think that bow were used in battles that time at least in some small numbers by soldiers - I do not insist that it was main weapon.

BTW : The second picture seems to showing different arrows tips and also showing “S” curved, short bow - perhaps made of one piece? Just find it interesting

At least you can guess, that everything was used as a “quiver” that fits the means. I made meself an arrow bag ones. It did not make it for long, but it souldn’t as well. Just an improvisational-thingy. But since that, I always wanted to try to produce some longer-lasting bag. Didn’t had the time nor materials yet. =/
Also I forgot my quiver last two shooting days… Arrrh that sucked…-.-

I think we have a misunderstanding here. I didn’t say anything about the shape or material of the quiver used at the time or anytime else. I just stated that many quivers were used with a strap to carry them (on whatever location on your body).

that doesn’t really make sense and the animation would be problematic. you’d have to remove the strap, retie around your belt.

they should just have waist carry quivers.none of the examples you showed are medieval europe. and all of the medieval european examples show quiver on side.

Back quivers were used in medieval Europe, as the Bayeux tapestry shows.
Eat your heart out …

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game doesn’t takes place in 1066 so that example can be disregarded

Need I say more … you disqualify yourself.

I think it is pretty clear that both was done.
But note that the guy in armour have it on the hip.

I do think that archers (soldiers using bows) did primarily wear their arrows in a bag on the hip.
Where hunters might have preferred the back…

If you need to carry lots of arrows. like 24+ I do think a bag on the hip is better than a quiver on the back…

But I don’t think we really can rule out any of the two methods.

So I think they should just have more then one type of “container to carry arrows in” quivers for x arrows that goes on the back. and “arrow bags” with a larger capacity that goes on the hip.

God bless Google search!!!

I see three quiver at the belt and one behind.
Я бачу три сагайдака біля поясу та один за спиною.

Archery practice at earthen butts, c1325.

Woman archer shooting a rabbit blunt at a rabbit. Taymouth Hours, England, 1325 - 40

Archers behind a Mock Cow Approaching Deer -

To be continued.


Lots of pictures -

Useful materials and articles.
The Personal Carriage of Arrows from Hastings to the Mary Rose

The 15th Century Archer:

European Medieval and Renaissance Archery Contests And Targets

Making the Medieval Arrow Bag


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it’s correct. you only showed the bayeux tapestry after i made the comment. i was talking about this thread, obviously.

in any case, it’s needless extra work on animation. during this time, it was mostly carried on waist, so one complete animation for one quiver type is enough.

I have seen those canvas arrow ‘bags’ for sale, personaly I want to save up for a nice leather one to attach to my belt.

Having tried to stuff them through my belt, as depected in one of your pictures, I personaly recommend not to, for me te belt was either too tight or too loose to sucesfully hold the arrows there and it snagged my dress.
As for where people wore their quivers, it looks like it is just down to prefference and what ever practily better for the individual archer.