The †roll Cave ®™

Well the German Empire has a rather large chance to beat the US in a straight up battle. It depends on how the US army rifle stands up to the Mauser Model 1871.

He looks so smug.

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The U.S Calvary would be armed with Repeater rifles and revolvers. Gattling guns would definitely be a game changer on the battle field. Some infantry would be armed with revolvers as side arms somthing that would be extremely helpful if a melee was to happen. For infantry its hard to say. The U.S army switched weapons many times within that time period. The Spring field carbine model 1873 could be one such weapon but it was used heavily by Calvary as well.
I have no idea what the equipment the German military used it seems the numbers of the armies would have been relatively equal. It would probably be an interesting match up but I’ve been debating for a few days now and it gets tiring so ill just have to take your word for it. All i know is that the American Army was concern for European territory in the western hemisphere.

The Germans might have access to a gun similar to the Gatling.

As for the 1873 Springfield carbine, if it has a range of 600 yards like I found with a quick google search than the German rifle would have a slight (but small) range advantage.

Frankly I think it would be two very similar armies facing each other and perhaps we would see Trench warfare like WWI appear a few decades earlier.

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I as well really hope that hunting is t he next big thing added in, I am really excited to see some animals. I am also ready to have anything at all die when I shoot.

Would be really sweet if in the next update we can start out with a bow and some arrows and then maybe earn more arrows competing with the master archer. I don’t have anything to spend the groshes on and its kinda odd that this dude has a fortune to spend losing to me.

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Yeah the civil war didn’t go so well death wise with them fighting with rifles and all this new technology with them still marching in lines it would have been a shit show. If you ever want to play a game with weapons from that time period shogun 2 fall of the samurai is a very good game. Its fun to steam role samurai with Gatling guns cannons and then have British, French, or American marines in your army that rape everything.

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This is behavioral tree of a sheep. I think that AI of animals will be very detailed. :slight_smile:


nope thats wrong , they were equipped as well as possible yes but the training would have been to the standard of a colonial regiment not a British born one much like a roman auxually .
nice to see you use solid sources . try another saurce thats gets any where close to the numbers ypu propse conserdering the entire british army numbered 49,000 in 1776 we grew it to just over 100,000
at the start our force numbered 10,000
we grew this by recruiting locals loyal to us . the entire reason you won was because we simply didnt have the troops to hold on to the land we took back .

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
They were trained by the British military to the standards of the British military and were very well equipped. 20,000 free men and 20,000 free slaves. In addition General Howe set sail with 30,000 regulars from Europe to put down the revolution in the end, though, the British were able to ship Sir William Howe an army of 32,000 officers and men to open a campaign in late 1776. It was the largest force the British had ever sent outside of Europe at that time. That is a quote directly out of the source.
[/quote] these numbers bullshit the entire source because if you research the size of the british army in 1776 it will tell you the ENTIRE british army during 1775 was 49,000 by 1781 it had grew to just 121,000 British soldiers 25,000 being forein and with this we had 40,000 miltia
so again you faced miltia and loyalists equipped by the british , trained by us to the standards expected of a colonial soldier .
you beat us fair and square i accept but lets not dramatise it by pretending the entire british army was fighting in north america .

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
Neither side was wining. Both sides had equal wins and losses it was a draw get over it.
[/quote] you cannot have a draw in war they dont exsist , your entire war objective failed and you came back asking for peace , you lost .

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
What objective did you accomplish besides losing men and burning down the white house but we burned down the Canadian parliament building so one had the upper hand. New orleans is a different story. British forces were absolutely wrecked by Andrew Jacksons force.
[/quote] we held on to canada and stopped your attempt at taking any part of it , yes you had some total victories over us but its war they happen , but the bigger picture equals you lost . you are the ones that tapped out

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
Well im not sure if you believe in a divine being but that was some pretty incredible luck.
[/quote] yes i agree very lucky .

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
To say it didn’t hurt the empire is incorrect. It opened the gate way for many eventually revolutions that happend in your territory. People realized you could be beat and that you weren’t invincible. Plus Britain lost thousands of subjects and territory. It had a very bad effect on the empires economy.
[/quote] do you want to source that

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
Hmm well when ever i have debates with other brits they seem to think that Britain didn’t care about losing the colonies and that Britain won the war
[/quote] because the british were not that bothered about losing it . just after the war there were huge debates in parliment as to why we never crushed the revolution and why we never sent the troops required to do it .
we would have preferred to hold on to it yes , but it was deemed as a acceptable loss . american kids seem to be taught a total bullshit story of many parts of your history to make you all the more patriotic when its simply untrue . where as in the UK be dont touch the british empire in school at all .

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
You didn’t keep Washington the British thought they might be able to claim their old land back. We didn’t get Canada neither country made any ground during the war. But the U.S did stop the impressment of sailors and won several victories at sea. After you rejected our first peace offer (it was not a surrender there for you did NOT win the war) you then reached out for peace with us. Every single historian will say the same thing the war was a draw
[/quote] every single us historian yes haha ask any one from out side the US and you will get a different answer . actually in fact a us historian admitted canada won the war of 1812 (couldnt quite bring himself to say british won it )

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:292, topic:21032”]
General Howe
[/quote] was the the overal commander of british forces in north america , he did indeed command 30,000 men in 1776 , we renifored with what we could at the time , most being german mercs , he was the sole commander that won you the war as he refused to take the intiative and crush the american rebellion for good when he could of .

best game ever just a shame its limited to japan would have been an amazing game if they did a new empire 2 in that period

@TheDivineInfidel, @SirWarriant Regarding our previous discussion on effective gun control in Britain: policemen in UK are urged not to go to the streets because they might be killed.

Does the word alone in that title mean anything to you?

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Looks like Lock Picking is going to be the primary focus of the next alpha update.

yes , we are in great danger of being attacked with the nations that have already been attacked its likely the US or UK is next . a large scale gun attack in the UK or US isnt going to go well as both nations security forces are extremely drilled and experienced with these kind of threats so yes the most likely attack will be a person killing police officers at random.

The answer to that HERE isnt arm the nation because all your doing there is making it easier for the terrorist to get hold of weapons . society here for the most part doesnt have an interest in guns so 70% of the population wouldnt even buy one even if it was legal .
in my opinion i think all police should be firearm trained. Then you can balance the number of police carrying guns to the threat , so if an attack is under way , arm all police . if one is likely then arm say 70% and if one isnt likely arm 30%

So uh yeah I like toast.

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Welcome ! to the forum . i like toast too , we are going to be such good friends i can feel it


My baron badge isn’t working for some reason -_-

Bolognasaus the duke of Silesia has taken over your estates and revoked your title.

Daggon it, I stole that Baron’s identity after slipping him a Mickey Finn, and I get kicked right down again…I mean wut.

Dude, imagine what a bear or other predators trees will look like… so ECITED!

The problem here, with your statement, is that americans just dont think like you. And the British Empire kinda did this to us anyway. Do you want to know why our constitution gives us the right to bear arms? Because the empire that once was Britton, tried to take them away. Our country was built because people didn’t want their freedom to defend themselves taken away by the greedy tyrants who sat in their summer homes playing with peoples lives like chess(The King,The Queen). So I hope you can understand(you may already), that if our right to own firearms was taken away, the government wouldn’t be afraid to just take complete control, like the British tried to do, and we would be back to where we started before the Revolutionary war.

thats because we allowed you to bear arms for a specific reason , being we didnt have the troops to defend the colonies from the Indians so , gave you all a rife and turned you into one big militia . you didnt start the war because we were attempting to take your guns , you started it because your demands of being treated equal to an English citizen were rejected and we were taxing the shit out of you too pay for the wars around the world . while the british paid fairly low taxes.
we only attempted to limit the guns you had access to when things were getting spicy (1774)
a fair statement would be that was one of the final nails in the coffin that led to war but certainly wasnt a cause of the troubles .

the funny thing is tho you fought for independence to have freedom and lower taxes and in fact got no extra freedom and higher taxes to pay for a new nation :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Daniel_Boon, post:314, topic:21032”]
greedy tyrants who sat in their summer homes playing with peoples lives like chess(The King,The Queen)
[/quote] thats untrue , britian was a constitutional monarchy . the royals had no real power .