The role of the church

This man is right, and all others are blinded.

You do realize that one of the biggest gaming franchises at the moment happens to be Assassins Creed, right? That series which has the player punch the Pope out in a fistfight in the Sistine Chapel? Do you see Ubisoft expending a vast fortune to hire lawyers to protect them from “the church”? Thought not. I really don’t see what you’re so worried about.

It should be great to talk to random traveling strangers, maybe in group or 2 or 3 even more searching for book knowledge, it could be a nice excuse for them to have different thoughs and philosophy like we see in “the name of the rose”.

Even if it’s just a movie, I find the idea of crossing the path of sub-interpretation of the same branch of a Churh interesting.


You are correct. In fact, there were two court systems: the king’s court and the Papal court. The Church did not have the power to kill a subject of the King. Also, the Papal court was more merciful in its sentences. This is why thieves would learn Latin phrases to appeal to a papal court. Also, ordeals occurred in the secular judicial system because it was condemn by the Catholic Church. Eventually, the king’s court would begin mimicking the Papal court because it is better to be ruled by law then the whims of a judge.


I hope it will show both the good and the bad.
If I had to decide how to do it, I think I would show the organization as a good thing but have specific characters who are not that good. (so its the specific NPC who is the problem)

But The small part of the game we got a look at in the livestreem gives an idea…

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I expect to see some witches burn. Because in some areas this was very very common, sadly

No, they weren’t. We’ve been over this before in other threads.

Yes, but if she weights the same as a duck… then… she’s a witch ! BUUUURRRRRNNNNN !


Yes my bad. I forgot this happened mostly later then the period of this game. I stand corrected

What about the selling of indulgences? Was that a topic at that time? Maybe you could pay the church to forgive the sins yout did the past week?

The catholic church was a MAJOR factor in the Old World.
Whether or not church plays important role in-game is up to Warhorse, but IMHO there must be church related quest and church related consequences for player actions. Getting excommunicated from the church in 14th-15th century was almost like a death sentence.

Tell me what floats?

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[quote=“ThomasAagaard, post:50, topic:9076”]
If I had to decide how to do it, I think I would show the organization as a good thing but have specific characters who are not that good.[/quote]
I think it will be the opposite, because the answer on this question:

is “yes” (AFAIK)
And by the way:

  • While we dont have burning witches, we have burning people who dont like the “organization”
  • I think the role of the church will be really really big in the game …

I certainly hope so, the church still plays an active role in our cultures, and especially back then. During the Medieval age the church was one of the few lights in the great darkness that fell over Europe, and was a center for learning, science, and medicine. Both the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church played big parts in the development of European culture and the saving of Classical culture.

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It could be cool if you could get missions from the Inquisition and be recruited as a sort of non-offical Inquisitor. For instance, generic secret heretical cult wants to murder a bishop or something. Investigate it, find out who the high ranking members are, and then tell the Inquisition so they can go fuck their shit up. Bonus reward if you just kill them yourself.

hopefully there will be no "generic " anything.

If something is in the game it should be because there is an historical reason for it.

While there were some major heresies that turned out to a real problem, and thus, were historically significant, I would imagine that heretical cults too small and insignificant for their existence or beliefs to be officially recorded weren’t unheard of, by the monarchy at least.

Church should be important in game, definitely. It would be perfect for some kind of an in-game ‘tutorial’ or learning the game basics, because this ugly and simple guy, Henry/Jindrich, will in each case need to talk to the local priest to get some insight into what’s actually going on in the realm, to obtain a map or later do some tasks for them maybe. Just think of Quentin Durward, who started his career in the monastery as well… he was not a blacksmith though, but Sir WS is far better than any contemporary writer is, and will be… :wink:

Projecting modern thinking into the past is very very wrong.
Words like nation, religion, race etc changed even its meaning over time. And religion had different place in people’s life - it was integral element of their lives - people believed in fairies and even more they believed in miracles and holy relics which were huge business that days by the way. (game definitely needs some pedlars with relics).
Same way catholic church was completely different thing to what we know now - it was a lot more part of contemporary catholic states serving it everywhere where the knowledge and reading skills mattered. Clerics were not only priests and monks but even spies and clerks (hey the name comes from …). Local country church organization were far more independent from Rome than it is now and many times even the opposite - in some countries bishops were even chosen by king or king at least was giving the list of candidates to church hierarchy. Of course it was different from country to country and was changing between decades.
In this very particular times talking about separate agenda of the church in country matters in this region of Europe makes no sense whatsoever. Bohemia was part of Holy Roman Empire and church was everywhere but was also more subject to the emperor than Rome. But of course if it comes to matters of the Prague throne then importance of this country at that time would definitely attract the attention of the Holy See.

Why do people refuse to elevate themselves when it falls under the topic of KNOWLEDGE??? Religion isn’t bad by any means, people are primal creature at their core and that equals out to be nothing less than Savage. That being said, human beings are the only creatures that are capable of making the choice to be bad or good (unless they are a true psychopath.)

^^^ let’s bounce forward to reality now… Religion isn’t “REAL.” No matter what religion you belong to, there is NOT a guy in the sky putting together the pieces. Let’s be real. Religion is a tool made up by mankind to give all of mankind something to strive for (Heaven/Valhalla/Etc…) Something to believe in and something to encase morals and values around, so the human creature has a reason to, and makes the conscious decision to, be a good person.

For the most part, Religion works very well. But of course we never hear about every positive thing religion accomplishes, because it’s supposed to accomplish positive things. That’s why it was invented. But low and behold… All we hear are the negatives surrounding religion, they never tip the scales for us and report positive examples. Shitty people within a religion/religious Group, do not make the entire religion and all of it’s believers the same shitty people.

The positives of religion FAR outweigh the negatives and the good people/the ones who choose to be on the good side of the street FAR outnumber the bad ones.

The reason people think religion is bad is because of the way media, propaganda and society make it look for you. Just like a magician, a small use of “slight of hand” or any kind of manipulation at all, will make YOU see something the way THEY intend you to see it. Unless you open your mind, think objectively and PAY ATTENTION! Religion and the ability to be able to choose between good or bad are two very integral pieces to the human puzzle which set us apart from animals.

Also, before I get fragrantly bashed, I believe in every religion, I even believe in the religion that doesn’t believe in religion. But the reason I believe in something that i just told you all isn’t even “REAL” is because I have had my eyes opened to the facts that religion is built by man, to keep man civilized and be better people than just instinctually driven, primal, aggressive/bad people.
I believe in them all because they exist and do more good than bad, but I also know the difference between PSYCHOLOGY and GHOST MEN in the SKY. Again GET REAL.

Think about it. Really think about it. Cuz if you just bark at me you’re already a NON FACTOR.
If you look at all sides to this and understand how religion being invented as a psychological tool rather than gigantic, all powerful spirit Lord’s running the show, defines religion the absolute best and most logical way possible… Then you have just elevated your knowledge.
-Full Circle