The †roll Cave ®™

yep thats fine …

These people are long ranger shooters not combat troops. Thats why it would be better for them to engage at a father distance then get caught up in a fire fight.

yes i was agreeing 9/10 firefights are around the range of 150-200 metres

Well then make it father. Their advantages would be long range shots like they make. Im guessing 300-400 meters would give them the advantage.

no , 50-100 metres is best any further you actually make it easier for the unit being ambushed , the closer you are the more likely you’re to hit your target which means they have less time to react.

the truth of the matter is you’re not going to kill them all in a matter of seconds it will go to a firefight but the ambushers have the advantage.

the unit being ambushed will attempt to fight their way out not have a full on battle with you when they are against such odds

you will be glad to see how british police work :slight_smile: up holding the law to the letter . long video but a breath of fresh air

skip to 10.00 for when the police start turning up
or 22 minutes to see FREEDOM !! protected :slight_smile:

PS . No gun needed

Gotta keep the money press rolling, gotta keep easing dem quantitatives.

Are you referring to the federal reserve?

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Theres seriously muslim only areas? Wow i’m glad i don’t have to worry about religions taking things over here. Our constitution makes very clear separation of church and state. The U.S caters to minorities but it seems England takes it a step above and gives them their own territory.

From what I’ve seen on TV the US “black zones” are not that much better.

We have a similar issue with local gypsy population, but it is nowhere near to that (or to situation in Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary…).

Guns also help.

A sharp increase in regional gun ownership took place in 2011 after a number of attacks of Romani perpetrators against victims from the majority population, some of which were racially motivated. This arming was taking place especially in regions such as Šluknov Hook, where high crime rates are often attributed to people from Roma minority, and where majority population distrust police and authorities.[128] This local trend however didn’t significantly influence long term statistics.[2]

Yeah but they don’t have their own laws. The police are always patrolling those areas too because police here are paid on commission so the more arrests and tickets they make the more money they make and they go where crime is the highest which is those areas.

Bu these muslim zones in England seem like they’re pretty much free to do what they want like enforce sharia law.

The report done by fox was total bollocks , yes there are parts of certain towns which are 90% Muslim which many Brits including myself are pissed off with as our country as been fucked over by them , but fox made it sound worse than it was , they used a video of a few of this group of black Muslims enforcing Shia law on people .

These Muslims were later arrested for doing this . Yes the UK has many issues like this that are dealt with one at a time .
As for the Rotherham thing you love bringing up that’s part of a huge police investigation to past sexual grooming gangs which go all the way to highest parts of society and has seen some of the richest and most famous people from the 80’s being locked up .

Yes we have issue but so does Czech and every other nation on earth . It’s just nice to see some police sticking up for what’s right and putting down what’s wrong :slight_smile:

That’s actually not really true. If you string a noose for someone who indicated he’s done with life he might use it more readily than when he would have to tie a noose himself. Impulse decisions do not always get carried through. Supermarkets and Ikea stores work on this principle too.

The concept of self defense is not alien to me at all. The concept of requiring a gun for self defense is alien to me, it has something to do with little gun proliferation and the level of violence. I could say the concept of a safe city without armed citizens and lightly armed cops is alien to you but I really think we don’t fully know each others society, cultural and historical background. I stated a few times before that I do not think America should be gun free. However I do not believe it is some sort of inherit human right or basic need of everyone, it’s water, food, shelter - not water, food and a concealed 9mm with hollow point ammunition. You can create a safe and function society both WITH and WITHOUT civilian gun ownership, that’s kinda what I am trying to get through.

You say I am living in a fantasy world but I might just as well claim you do. There is not a terrorist at the corner of every street, we live in decent countries.

The intentional homicide rate where I live is less than one (0.9) person(s) per 100.000 people. Certain conditions like: Dealing drugs by the kilograms and assassinating other people for money seem to increase the risk. But let’s just assume all people are equal in this for a little thought experiment.
The suicide rate here is around 12 persons per 100.000 people. So if I value my life, heed the concept of self defense than instead of buying this gun:

I should buy this straight jacket.


The Czech murder rate is currently at 0,8 per 100.000. Suicide rate at around 12,8.

That in society with guns relatively easily accessible and hundreds of thousands of people licensed to carry a concealed firearm. Crime rates vary around the country, but Prague is still much safer than any Dutch city, unless there are Danes on holidays here, that is :wink:

Nobody is forcing you to have a gun. But at the same time it is an antithesis of freedom to take the opportunity of effective self defense from others. Having the choice is what matters.

An interesting - and for me very unexpected - group of people has become very vocal now in the Czech Republic on the issue of gun rights now after the Uherský Brod shooting. Quite a few disabled people have come forward addressing the pro-gun control politicians in open letters. Blind, paraplegic, without arms, etc. They all say that they completely rely on the solidarity of others to help them when they need it, and that the effectiveness of this solidarity is to a large extent connected with the right of the other to be armed (even though they themselves can’t have guns). They all know that police can come only after the fact, while civilians may help in time. And they are also aware that only the worst scum of the society would target someone like them, completely unable to defend themselves.

I would wish you a couple of weeks on a wheel chair or without eyesight in a really bad neighborhood. Such places are in your country as same as in mine. And people who live there often venture also out of its borders, praying on the week. Please do tell me how someone week - be it a young girl or old lady - can defend themselves without a gun.

There is no such thing as a safe society. There are places with higher level of threat, and with lower level of threat.

For me, it is the moment when the weakest are under attack that shows whether a society is safe or not. No Jew can effectively defend themselves in your country. Jews are very much under threat of attack in your country. They are in no way safe. Remember, it is Jews today, it will be you tomorrow.

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Well you can say what you want but the nation with the highest suicide rate has strict gun control.

The reason i say that is because you and @TheDivineInfidel have this idea that the government and police can always be there to protect you. We don’t live in Utopian societies. The police rarely get to the people in danger before something terrible happens to them. I understand people like you and the @TheDivineInfidel wouldn’t want a weapon that would greatly increase your chances of survival in those situations. But i for one do.

I live in a very safe area. We have 1 murder a year on average and low violent crime like rape, muggings, and robberies. In 2012 we didn’t have any murders at all. The most common form of crime in my entire state is car jackings. I have never been a witness or victim to any violent crime but that does not mean it can’t happen to me. The police in my state are heavily armed how ever which concerns me. Its quite scary to see an APC driving around a town. The police look more like soliders than police now a days. Which makes me wonder. Why do they need such heavy equipment for a safe area?

I never said there were terrorists everywhere. Im well aware the chances of me being a victim are quite rare. How ever if i ever were to be in a situation like that with the police minutes away i would rather be prepared to defend myself and my family.

Switzerland if i’m not mistaken has the lowest crime rate in the world and they have pretty lax gun laws. Honduras which has the highest murder rate in the world has extremely strict gun laws. Citizens cannot own guns there.

You should also know that areas where people are allowed to concealed carry often have much lower violent crime rates.

Another thing i might add about crime rates is they are also tied to education, income, homes with kids born out of wedlock ect. The U.S murder rate is and has been declining over the last 20 years and i hope its because our countries economy is getting better.

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And yet you say you have to some randoms on the internet? Never specifically but if i recall correctly you said that you have fired at people more then once and you were pretty sure the bullets found there marks more then once. Now i have had a family member kill themselves after seeing combat, and he served 3 tours in iraq before he went home and shot himself in the garage while his wife and son were at the store, but the thing this argument originated from was special forces and an ambush i believe, maybe something else. But you said not many have the courage to do something like that and thus thats why i shared what i have heard from family that i know have seen combat.

Eugh, suicidal bastards! that’s 8/10 more of a person! :frowning:

Hey I live in a city and it’s safe alright. However it only has a population in the region of 20.000 instead of a few million. But Jesus Prague is expensive, of course it’s not going to attract trash if the housing price per month is almost three times the average monthly salary.

The right to swing my fist ends where the other man’s nose begins.

Think about it, someones else’s right to do something could infringe mine. It’s the paradox of law, no one is free without them.


Do you guys still have pogroms?

I can say what I want? Okay I will - There are 195 other countries we should look at before we start drawing conclusions alright?

Statistics, statistics, statistics.

Like I said I should be buying a straight jacket instead of a gun or knife if I value my life. Sure if someone shot me on the street or stabbed me I would regret not being able to shoot back.

I would also regret not buying the winning lottery ticket, but that does not mean I should buy lottery tickets. Statistically speaking i’d be throwing away money if I did.

The potential for a criminal to carry arms is, across the board, a bit higher in the states. It probably also has to do with the police wanting new toys. I kinda like the look of those MRAP trucks.

This might a cultural difference I was talking about. No one here even considers the risk, we’re kinda suspicious of fear mongering especially if the guy who does it intends to sell us something.

Great, now you gotta check the other 194 countries.

And this is the point I’ve been making in the other thread too. Happy people don’t murder the fuck out of each other. You can give happy people guns and they won’t misuse them, Example: Switzerland.

Take a shitty country filled with angry people and giving them guns isn’t going to magically reduce the crime rate.

ergo: There is not correlation between gun ownership and crime increase/decrease.

The current police gear is plenty to deal with an attacker. They have m4s a 12 gauge shotgun and the type of pistol depends the police department. The police do not need full combat gear and tanks. Im ok with Swat having these but they are giving them to normal fucking police.

Some interesting articles on how we’re becoming a police state.

Pull up the crime stats of your town im willing to bet its similar to mine.

Well i suppose thats your choice then.

There is actually. Concealed carry usually drops violent crime rate. How ever there are also a dozen other factors to consider. When people from the U.K try to say that if the U.S banned guns than our murder rate would be at their level. How ever even when people were allowed to have guns freely in the U.K their murder rate was still much lower than the U.S average.