The Story ofthe Game

1403, King taken away by his brother, Silesian, Bohemian and Polish Coats of arms… There can be no mistake, the story is set during Bohemia Wars in Czech and SiIesia regions ( The question is what about the story itself? The trailer sets kings brother as the vilian and we see the main character fighting against Teutonic knights so its safe to assume there wont by much freedom in choosing the side of the war, however we might get to choose to aid Taborites or Orphans, two Hussite military forces that grew quite apart over years… I am also slightly puzzled over appearance of Polish troops in the trailer as Poland did not officially support the Hissities as it was forbidden by pope (Although Polish king let his knights do ass they please in this matter) as far as I know.

What do you think about my assumptions and questions?

hussite war probably act 2 or 3. in act 1, you are simply trying to survive in the midst of civil conflict between nobles loyal to sigismund, and nobles loyal to wenceslaus.

keep in mind all footage is wip. it might be from a quick test they threw together of two random armies.

Act 1 takes place in 1403, hussite war was later.

the story starts in 1403 and hussites marched out only few years later am not mistaken so it will be part of the plot at some point

We were promissed at least one major battle during act I and some seiges, apart from bohemian wars there was noluch of that at that time and in that region. ofc the plot might focus on fictonary events but maybe i am missing something here. I tuess there are more knowledgable about czech history than me on this forum and i await their response with outmost interest.

Hussite wars started after the Council of Constance and burning of Jan Hus (which is easy to remember date as it is firs four digits of pi after decimal point 1415)

The Story is set after the death of Charles IV of HRE who died and his two sons Wenceslaus IV of Bohemia and Sigismund of Luxemburg began a struggle of the throne. Wenceslaus was the eldest but proved unpopular and could never gain a hold over the nobles and was imprisoned several times, even by his own brother who the seized the throne.

So I guess Hussite Wars will be only in potential sequels.

I hope the game does well enough to get a sequel, not bothered by sequels as long as the are given time to settle like GTA IV to GTA V that was a good break but if they started pumping KC games out with COD like ferocity I would cry.

In Bohemia was history, since 1200 very interesting, there should be a good background.

if you are interested in what the story is about, check out my post.

I’m far more troubled about the descent of the main character. Son of a blacksmith defenitely is not where good realistic hero would start his ascention in medieval times. So authors probably make things hard for themselves trying to make a good story out of it. However this may be the point where realism should be neglected in order to make the plot striking, who knows…